From the strong economy and the robust labour market benefited long million citizens. However, problems with poverty not disappeared. Especially in the case of acquisition, the statistical risk is higher.

Berlin (dpa) – the unemployed are particularly vulnerable to poverty – but there are big regional differences. In the Western provinces, 53.7 percent of the acquisition were loose, according to the latest data for 2018 as at risk of poverty – in the countries of Eastern Europe with Berlin there were, however, 67.1 per cent.

The answer of the Federal Ministry of labour to a question from the Left-hand group, which is present the German press Agency.

As at risk of poverty is anyone who has less than 60 percent of median net income. For 2018, the threshold for the whole of Germany stood at 1035 per month for a Single person household.

In a comparison of the countries with the highest risk of poverty rate for unemployed had 2018 in Saxony-Anhalt, with 74.9 percent – the lowest in Bavaria with 44.3 percent. Nationwide, 57.4 per cent of all the unemployed as poverty were considered according to data of the microcensus in jeopardy, after it had been in 2005 to 49.6 percent. In the meantime, the proportion was 59 percent. Relative to the overall population, the rate of poverty of vulnerable people in 2018 stood at 15.5 percent.

The labour market policy spokeswoman for the left party, Sabine Zimmermann, called it a scandal that the Federal government of the spread and entrenchment of poverty not against expensive. “The Situation is particularly dramatic is currently in the Corona-crisis.” In the past, had been with the Hartz-IV-rule sets is hardly a life possible. “Now, many cheap products are often sold out or more expensive.” Purchased about masks would have to be. To mitigate the impact of the Left call for a pandemic with a Supplement of 200 Euro per Person. Basically, Hartz IV has to be a sanction-free minimum fuse replaced, the shooter really poverty.

The Ministry of labour explained in the answer, in view of the General increase of employment in the past years, the median income of the population increased and the number of unemployed decreased. Of unemployment labour market has been increasingly affected, “distant people”, which would make compared to acquiring low-skilled and relatively low household income. In the micro-census used a Definition of the International labour organisation: a person Who works at least one hour in the week, is no longer considered as unemployed.

economic and Social research Institute (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung to poverty by employment status in Germany

Federal Statistical office of Germany to the poverty risk threshold