To measure deterioration of the health crisis, and numerous opinion polls, the seat of Edward Philippe Matignon is always more ejection. Evidenced by a recent note that was addressed to Gilles, The Son-in-law, the leader of deputies of The Republic in walking, Emmanuel Macron. The mayor of le Havre is strongly pushed towards the exit, reports Marianne, and other names are advanced.

In this paper, Gilles, The Son-in-law intends to demonstrate to the president that the time has come to put the current Prime minister on the key. The arguments are many, sharp, for certain. “The government must be a true collective, which has never been the case for three years,” tackle the mp, before adding : “It is because it is necessary to change that we need to take risks. “” The choice of the Prime minister shall submit the tandem of the executive in the right direction “, stated still the elected representative of Paris.

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Bruno The Mayor, ” low charisma “, but potential Prime minister

Who, then, as an appropriate choice ? Again, Gilles, The Son-in-law has prompted the reflection. It has a few alternatives – the ministers Olivier Véran, Marc Fesneau, and Didier William, but, especially, two priority options in his eyes, ” favorites “. The two are already members of government : Jean-Yves Le Drian and Bruno Le Maire.

The first, continues the deputy, ” sends the right policy signal ; knows how to manage the majority, in the current complexity of its composition ; provides a contrast of generations with you [Emmanuel Macron, editor’s NOTE], which is not uninteresting “. For all that, “it will support little the momentum that we wish to give it,” balances the author of the note. About Bruno The Mayor, “it is somewhat the opposite” : if the minister of the Economy ” would be perfectly reconstruction “, he, however, has a ” low charisma “, analysis Gilles, The Son-in-law. And grant : “No choice is obvious. “

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Manuel Valls, a return to the quai d’orsay ?

In the same letter, the member of parliament for Paris is also working on other positions of ministers. Several names were shelled, including the ” Manuel Valls “, ” a complex case “. “Cleaving to a part of the majority, but we don’t have many assets in our game to disregard this heavy weight,” says Gilles, the Son-in-law, which Marianne described as “favourable” for the return of the ex-Prime minister François Hollande. Where would he land ? To foreign Affairs, offers the note.

Finally, the document also offers to Emmanuel Macron a preview for the less detailed the vision of Gilles, The Son-in-law of the next executive : Christophe Castaner, replaced by Jean-Yves Le Drian, would increase from the Interior to the ministry of the Armed forces. As a result, Florence Parly to be found at the ministry of Labour. Sibeth Ndiaye, spokesman for the government, there would be simply no place in the new organization chart.

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Asked by Marianne, Gilles, The Son-in-law responded to have “nothing to say” on the subject of this note, without refute or confirm the names mentioned. “It is normal that the leaders of the majority discuss between them. “A line shared by the Elysée palace, who judge that this heavy weight of the macronie, by its function in the Assembly, is” perfectly legitimate to bring up ideas “.

writing will advise you

EXCLUSIVE. The day on which Macron and Philippe have selected Darmanin Barometer Ipsos-” The Point ” – Edward, Olivier, Jean-Yves, Jean-Michel and the other After the deputies, crisis among the employees of The Republic on Déconfiner or not déconfiner Edward Philip ? This is the question Emmanuel Macron tucked up against his entourage