According to the Israeli military, hundreds of drones and missiles were fired during Iran’s major attack on Israel. According to the military, the vast majority of the rockets were intercepted by Israel’s air defense outside Israel’s borders. Only a small number of rockets hit Israeli territory, so there were no fatalities or major damage. There were reactions to the attack from all over the world.

Olaf Scholz found out about this during his flight to China (you can read an on-site report here). He condemned Iran’s attack “strongly.” “With this irresponsible and unjustifiable attack, Iran is risking a regional conflagration,” said government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit on his behalf after the Chancellor’s arrival in China on Sunday. “In these difficult hours, Germany stands closely by Israel’s side. We will now discuss further reactions closely with our G7 partners and allies,” it said.

After Iran’s strike against Israel, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck warns against an expansion of the conflict. “We condemn this attack on Israel clearly and unequivocally,” said the Green politician in a quote shared on his Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Instagram channel. “Our solidarity goes out to Israel. There must not be a conflagration in the region.”

Israel’s neighboring country Egypt expressed concern. The attack carried out by Iran is a sign of a “dangerous escalation” between the two countries, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday evening. Egypt had previously warned of an expansion of the conflict as a result of “Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip.” The government in Cairo is in constant contact with all parties involved to stop the escalation, it said. Egypt was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel in 1979.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also condemned the Iranian attack on Israel and called on all sides to be calm. “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the blatant and unjustified attack on Israel. And I call on Iran and its proxies to immediately stop these attacks,” von der Leyen wrote on the X platform (formerly Twitter) on Sunday morning. “All actors must now refrain from further escalation and work to restore stability in the region,” the Commission head continued.

England’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also found clear words. “These attacks risk escalating tensions and destabilizing the region,” Sunak said. “Iran has proven once again that it is bent on sowing chaos in its own backyard.” Britain will continue to work for the security of Israel and all regional partners – “including Jordan and Iraq”.

The opposition Labor politician Keir Starmer also condemned Iran’s attack. “The international community has unanimously called for restraint, and we regret that Iran has once again chosen a different, dangerous path,” said Starmer. “Our thoughts are with all those in the region who want peace and security and not the fear and instability that Iran creates,” he said in a statement.

Something similar could be heard from Austria. Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer also used the short message service X to clarify his country’s position. “Austria stands with Israel and we call on Iran to immediately stop any hostility,” he wrote.

The French government condemned the attack as a new level of “destabilization.” Tehran is “taking the risk of military escalation,” explained Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné.

Concern was also heard from China. “We call on the relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint in order to prevent further escalations,” said a spokesman for the Foreign Office. The People’s Republic calls on the international community, “especially countries with influence, to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres also emphasized the risk of a catastrophic deterioration of the situation in the Middle East. “I am deeply concerned about the very real threat of devastating escalation across the region,” he said in New York. He condemned the attack by Iran “in the strongest possible terms” and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell wrote on X: “This is an unprecedented escalation and a serious threat to regional security.”

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has announced consultations with the G7 group of economically strong democracies this Sunday. Biden announced late Saturday evening (local time) in Washington that he would convene the heads of state and government of the G7 “to coordinate a joint diplomatic response to the brazen attack by Iran.” He had recently spoken on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and assured him of America’s unwavering support for Israel’s security. Israel was able to repel an unprecedented wave of attacks. This is “a clear message to its enemies that they cannot effectively threaten Israel’s security.”

Canada stands in “solidarity with Israel” and “unequivocally condemns” the airstrikes, said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The attacks “once again demonstrated the Iranian regime’s disregard for peace and stability in the region.”

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell spoke of an “unprecedented escalation”. “The EU condemns in the strongest possible terms the unacceptable Iranian attack on Israel,” said Borrell. This is also “a serious threat to regional security.”

EU Council President Charles Michel wrote on X that “everything must be done to prevent further regional escalation.”

The Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry called on the UN Security Council to “assume its responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.” In a statement, it warned of “military escalation” and called on “all sides to exercise utmost restraint and protect the region and its peoples from the dangers of war.”