In the Wake of the American Black Lives Matter movement, criticism of the actions of individual police officers came also in Germany, the “star”. Not only in the United States, but also in this country there should be Racial Profiling, a forbidden practice, be submitted to the people because of their skin color or presumed nationality under a General suspicion.

Racial Profiling in practice

The European Commission against racism and intolerance recommended in its recent report, a study on the Review of the actions. But Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer refused to do so. First, the countries agreed measures should be implemented against right-wing extremism, according to a spokesman. In addition, Racial Profiling is not prohibited in practice, which is why a study would be necessary.

read also: the investigation of right-wing extremism – Seehofer has controversial study of “Racial Profiling” apparently never planned

Other politicians, however, see the Usefulness of such a study. So the Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht, said, for example, that is not a matter of going to the police allegations, but to determine the “state of play, and to know where we stand and how we can be against taxes.”

64.638 supporters of the Petition

Many more people, the attitude of the Ministry of interior not to share and ask with a Petition, which is directly addressed to the German Bundestag, “the implementation of a study on ‘Racial Profiling’ when the police authorities of the Federation and the länder.” So you could decide based on the facts and not the theoretical basis, whether there is also in Germany the need for action in this area.

The Petition has now exceeded four days prior to the end of their set target of 60,000 signatures even: 64.638 people have signed.

police is more in the criticism – these surveys reveal a very different picture of PCP police is more in the criticism – these surveys reveal a very different picture
