Shortly before the trial against the alleged killers of the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke (CDU) on Tuesday, the counsel for the defendant, Stephan E. has expressed his hope that a fair legal procedure.

lawyer: “I Hope very much that the Senate is not impressed”

In an Interview with FOCUS Online, the Dresden lawyer, Frank Hannig said: “The media effect of this procedure, the attempt by different sides to exploit the process for their own perspective or worldview, of course, will have a significant impact on public perception. But I hope very much that the Senate of the higher regional court is Frankfurt not impressed.“

Hannig continued: “of Course I expect a fair process of law.” He had “full confidence in the functioning of the rule of law” and is firmly convinced that the court is not of the enormous pressure of expectation on the part of policy makers and the Public to influence them.

Uli Deck/dpa Alleged Lübcke-killer, Stephan E.

“The rule of law would be at the end, if a court would bow to the public pressure. This is not going to happen,“ said Hannig to FOCUS Online. Each party knows its responsibility for the preservation of the rule of law, Hannig said. “This is true for the court as well as for the defenders, the addition to Complainant’s representative and, hopefully, for the office of the Prosecutor and the judge-Rapporteur.”

Lübcke was shot on the terrace of his house

By 16. June to the Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (higher regional court) negotiated. h. against the two right-wing extremists, Stephan E., and Markus, 46, and 44 years old. The main suspect, Stephan E. is accused, Walter Lübcke in the night to 2. To June 2019, on the terrace of his house by a gunshot in the head and killed. His childhood friend, Markus H. to have provided aid.

According to Federal prosecutors, the defendants have developed their hatred to the CDU politician, in particular, to a citizens ‘ meeting in 2015, at the Lübcke the refugee policy of the Federal government had defended.

Swen Pförtner/dpa funeral service for Walter Lübcke.

“If the court finds guilt is determined, we have to accept”

To come up with his strategy for the process to comment on the defender by Stephan E. to FOCUS Online. In principle, the task of the defenders was not, however, like to, your clients at any price to get out from the cold. “If the court finds at the end of the debt is established, we have to accept that as a defender as well, as otherwise everyone would have to accept an acquittal,” says Hannig.

The Dresden lawyer: “Our task is to ensure that the procedure will be rule of law and our clients have, in spite of the terrible deeds charged against them, the safety that each and every achievable exculpatory evidence is introduced in the process and that each method avoided the error consistently, or reprimanded and punished.”

“become Common, threatened and defamed

” On the issue of FOCUS Online, whether he had received since the mandate takeover threats, or hostility experienced, explained the lawyer: “Yes, but. Unfortunately, it’s become common in the social media and anonymous E-Mail threatened to be defamed. This shows that the acceptance of the sometimes complicated rules of the rule of law is low. This development is unfortunate and threatening. As a criminal defense lawyer, you must learn to deal with it.“

Hannig said, he could by threats and intimidation, not of his course. “As a doctor, as a rule, does not treat healthy people, but Sick, it’s not our Job, to be Pursued only to the injustice but to also allow the guilty party a fair trial. We defend the people and not their deeds.“

it is Unclear whether Stephan E. will speak on the process of opening

questions to his client, Stephan E. – ‘m about to Express whether the defendant at the beginning of the process itself – did not want to answer the lawyer at the present time. Hannig hopes that, “at the end of the process, the fact is its security, and not, as in the NSU trial: more questions than answers remain.”

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