The Prime minister is standing up better than the head of State. The popularity of Emmanuel Macron collapses (- 7) following a slight improvement at the beginning of the health crisis, while that of Edward Philip continues, according to a monthly poll Odoxa published on Tuesday, confirming the trend of an Ifop survey published Sunday. With 35 % of respondents who consider it as ” a good president of the Republic “, the head of the State is practically its level at the end of February (33 %), prior to the crisis and the containment of the French.

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Nearly two respondents in three (65 %, + 7) judge negatively his action, according to the survey for CGI, the regional Press, France Inter radio and L’express. Emmanuel Macron yields mainly ground a month with the supporters of The Republicans (to 18) and the socialist Party (to 17).

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Several surveys in may gave the head of the State in net decline, while the Prime minister, in first line to manage the health crisis, is more resistant. The latter, who had won 11 points in popularity during the first two months of the crisis in the investigation Odoxa, is stable this month with 46 % (=) of positive opinions and 53 % of the opinion to the contrary.

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Edward Philip loses to close to the PS (- 12), but wins with those of the LREM (+ 7). This survey was conducted online may 19 and 20, with 1 004 persons 18 years of age and over, according to the method of quotas. Margin of error of 1.4 to 3.1 percentage points.

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