with the “pretty ignorant dealing” with the demands from Poland had caused considerable damage, cited the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” from a paper Sarrazin’s.

was to meet The Polish demands now, “empathy and responsiveness”, and called for Sarrazin accordingly. The “harsh rejection” of Poland put forward reparation claims in the past, while “legally correct, but morally and politically hardly acceptable”.

“Furthermore, hardly took into account the blind spots of German guilt,”

Germany was set up in the framework of a humanitarian gesture of a Fund, the medical cost of still living victims of war and occupation could be accepted, called for Sarrazin. An additional Fund should be paid as a “gesture of goodwill” compensation to victims or their children, which had not been taken into account in previous payments. There is “still barely took into account the blind spots of German guilt during the war and occupation in Poland”. Created a framework for the support of Polish culture and should be also. The aim of the German occupation policy has been to destroy the Polish culture.

The demand for German war reparations will be levied by Poland’s national-conservative government party law and justice (PiS). For the Federal government, however, the issue of reparations is completed, “legally and politically”. According to the “süddeutsche Zeitung” is Maas awaits in Warsaw on Tuesday.

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