the police are informed about an investigation

15.48 PM: police Deputy Berger, the age structure, the Suspect explained: “Among the 24 arrested seven youths and seven adolescents between the ages of 18 and 21 years.”

15.45 PM: “I see very quickly on the net, some say from its basic position: ‘The foreigners are to blame.’ I would like to have back,” said Kuhn. Stuttgart would have retained its liberal climate that characterizes the city.

15.34 PM: WHETHER Kuhn is a possible connection with the worldwide protests in the Wake of the death of George Floyd: “After Watching, I did not realize that it was kind of about racism.” He could not, however, exclude the possibility that some will be encouraged I felt by the pictures that there is currently often.

15.32 at: , A Reporter asks, according to the Video, which a police officer Enters with a kind of Kung-Fu-was attacked. The officials didn’t hurt, fortunately, significantly, explains Berger. He refers to the fact that the insert can also have psychological consequences for the officers.

15.29 at: The service disabled police officer had an injury to the Hand. The other officials had bruises, abrasions and the like. “We had a lot of luck.” That there was no severe violation of the grout, due to the good protective equipment.

15: 27: “From the current point of view, the things I can exclude the possibility of a left political Motivation for this violence,” says the chief of police on demand. The non-German suspects wouldn’t come in clearly from the refugee milieu, but from all sorts of countries, explains police Deputy Berger. “It was a colorful Mix of the world”.

15.25: Kuhn explained that due to closed Clubs and Bars had been a lot going on on the roads in Stuttgart. From all over the Region, people would come to celebrate together on the Palace square.

15.22 PM: Kuhn continues: “The special feature of the city of Stuttgart is attacked by such nights. So something in our city is not acceptable.”

15.20 PM: “Who would do such a thing, must know that he is endangering the freedom of the beautiful Stuttgart summer nights with this Act,” says Kuhn. We stand fully behind the actions of the police. “My solidarity and my wishes are on the side of the police, has no easy Job.”

15.19 PM: Now, IF Fritz Kuhn speaks: I was very shocked when I learned this early on from the events of the night. Something of Stuttgart has not yet experienced.” Kuhn was directly driven in the Morning to the police headquarters. “It’s a Grrenze has been exceeded.” Daily show/Screenshot of Stuttgart, Lord mayor Fritz Kohn in a press conference on 21. June 2020 in Stuttgart.

15.18 PM: The forces use of the police should be massively increased to prevent these incidents repeat, Lutz more.

15.15 : The event scene is a group of people that meets for four weeks in Public and gets drunk. The people would stage in the social networks. A newly aggressive and provocative behaviour was compared to the police officers. “We have been expecting this escalation of violence,” said Lutz. This was a one-off. “What happened last night, was in its scope and a case. We will respond to as a police prudently. We move consistently against the perpetrators of violence.”

15.14 PM: “The developments in recent weeks have made our operations easier,” says Lutz. In the case of personal checks it would come to be solid arisierungen, the am would be enough to use massive violence.

police chief: “unprecedented violence against the officials,”

15.12 PM: Now, police President Franz Lutz speaks . It is a have given “unprecedented violence against civil servants” in the night, he explains.

15.11 p.m.: Now Berger describes his own personal impressions from the night: “I’m since 30 years a police officer and have been through a lot, but I can tell you: this scene is not in Stuttgart yet.” He speaks of “unprecedented violence against civil servants.”

15.09 PM: at Least seven of those arrested, 24 persons were to be the detention judge. In addition, says Berger, be about 40 shops in the night by the riot affected. It is the identification of group of distance sea, was established into the incidents. Daily show/Screenshot Frank Lutz, the police President of Stuttgart

15.08 PM: “We, the group of events to be expected”, explains Berger. You have not managed to bring the Situation immediately under control. Only by Verstärlkung you’ve managed to create a “reasonably manageable situation.” There were 24 arrests, 12 people of them have a German nationality. A total of 19 officers were injured, a police officer had been so severely injured that he had service been unable.

15.04 PM: “at 23: 30, should it come to a normal control,” begins Berger. It should be controlled accordingly, a 17-year-old German citizen with white skin color because of a possible drug offence. Immediately the officials were attacked by 200 to 300 people. Finally, the group had grown to 400 to 500 people.

15.02 hrs: The press conference begins. First of all, police Deputy Thomas Berger speaks. “I was personally on the spot,” explains Berger. He wants to report what happened in the night.

14.29 PM: , The police announced to inform about the current status of the investigation. 15 at a press conference with Lord mayor Fritz Kuhn (greens), order of mayor Martin international (CDU), police President Franz Lutz and police Vice-President Thomas Berger instead, you can follow the live Ticker of FOCUS Online.

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