For the past three weeks of the battle operations of the company Tönnies corona is at a standstill due to the. The entire pork industry gets to feel the now. Because up to 20 percent of all German pigs are normally slaughtered when industry giants, it is now closely involved in the breeding and fattening farms of the Republic: The weaners and sows are stowed in the stables.

Thus, in the operation of Heinrich Gabriel from Höxter with its 2900 mast places. His operation delivers exclusively to Tönnies, he is bound by contract to the industry giant. Since the main had to close the factory in Rheda, sold to Gabriel, an average of only 100 instead of 150 pigs in the week. At the same time new piglets for fattening in the operation, always come Gabriel describes in an interview with FOCUS Online, the current Problem: “The animals are born in our kennel Yes continue – we can’t stop. The production band is not easy in a few weeks ‘ leave.”

Perverse meat industry: The pigs are living longer – and thereby lose the value of

The consequence of the battle-stops: Because at the end of the mast chain less space is free, need to find currently manage more piglets in a smaller space. Animal rights activists warn that Close in some of the stables could cause the pigs to collapse or even die. Also in the case of Emergency slaughter could be necessary, if not soon a solution will be found.

In the operation of animal fattening operators, Gabriel pigs have the legally prescribed minimum of space. “A permanent condition of Overcrowding is not,“ warns the farmer with a view to animal welfare. private Henry Gabriel (R) and his son in their farm in Höxter

However, in the coming weeks problematic. In addition to the lower sales operated in Germany by the delayed slaughter is a still further harm as a result, many mast: “The trade requires standardized pigs, in the best case, with a carcass weight of 85 to 100 kilograms,” explains Gabriel. Because the animals live longer and, therefore, to weight gain, there are at the time of slaughter price deductions. Together with the higher feed cost of each of the late pig, causing 10 to 15 euros more costs on the day, attributed to Gabriel.

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That it is in the pig meat production to a highly efficient industrial machinery is in the conversation with Gabriel is visible. Within only four months, from 25 pound small animals battle to be Mature 100 kilos of sows, for the attitude in Germany, an area of 0.75 square metres per animal is necessary. Thereafter, the steel will be cleaned shining stables, and the next Batch, on-line.

organic pork In Germany is a niche product

Many people are not outraged bred only since Tönnies just this industrial character, with the the animals to the slaughter. You speak out for animal welfare and organic meat products, criticize the profit-hungry large-scale enterprises and want to have more regionalism – claims that completely miss the reality, criticised mast mount Gabriel. “The small regional Bio-Eco-butcher in Germany, but as well as not. The people have absolutely no idea, how agriculture in Germany is like.”

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Indeed, the Figures of Gabriel and right. The organic share of pig meat in Germany in 2018, according to information from the “Federation of the Organic food industry” in under one percent. Overall, the organic portion was Red meat to just two per cent of the total volume. Organic meat is in Germany, so, despite the ongoing discussions about animal welfare and conscious nutrition are still a niche product.

The feel also meat producers and mast holder as Gabriel. For a conversion to organic operation, from an economic point of view, in many cases, this makes no sense, because the demand for more expensive and animal-friendly meat is still too low. That and a lack of willingness-to-pay would be given by the trade directly to the meat industry, says Gabriel.

The answer to that is an ultra-efficient mass-production industry, in the small regional butcher, only one edge represent the appearance and breastfeeding, especially the desire of the Germans to cheap meat. Prior to the battle house in Germany meat-President admits her biggest fear FOCUS Online Prior to the battle house in Germany meat President confesses her greatest fear

EU-directives as a realistic measure for animal welfare

again and again, it is argued, the behaviour of the consumers of the bowl, to make the animal comfortable in our efficiency and mass-trimmed meat industry more validity. But what if a collective rethinking of meat consumption in Germany since years, do not want to adjust?

Also, Gabriel has a clear opinion. Of course, the mast operators will be able to take money in the Hand, and so the life of animals more enjoyable. Already 20 percent more space in the barn, Gabriel, would increase animal welfare significantly. In the specific case of pig fattening, is no longer, it is also important to build the stables in the future on how to clinically clean operating rooms, but to the cognitive abilities of animals to adapt. “Pigs are extremely smart and get bored during the fattening,” says Gabriel.

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animal welfare requires higher meat prices – and robbing Germany’s meat producers competitiveness

However, all such investment in the Animal, the costs for meat producers in the goings-on in the amount. This is not, as many propose be covered by a direct price premium. The reason is that the market power of large retail chains. “You would not be afraid, in the case of higher meat commodity prices easily obtain from abroad,” says Gabriel. Would not remember the the consumers.

For more animal welfare in the meat industry, there is a need, therefore, EU-wide guidelines. Only if the same conditions apply, could be justifiable higher prices and thus an improvement in animal welfare Standards to be implemented, calls for Gabriel. The economic constraints under which the suppliers are subject to in the meat industry, are so large. The EU could change that. The greatest Power to change the industry a bit, but still has the group that in these days most loudly indignant: the consumers themselves.

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