after the massive Coronavirus outbreak in the meat factory and the residential houses of the staff Tönnies to be sealed off in the small North Rhine-Westphalian town of Verl, do not need to Julia Hero think for a long time. At the start of the Corona-crisis, the 32-year-old assistant to be engaged in neighbourhood assistance. Now you are clear that you want to be there for people.

Together with other volunteers you want to help practically. Make sure that the Caterer Muslim families in quarantine, no pork. Rich cake by the fence, Bobby-cars, water toys, sun cream… A gesture to show that people are not left alone and you would have no “debt” to their Situation and the escalating infection numbers in a circle, she says the DW: “We want to be right there.”

the Lack of masks, and boat-parties

Fast-Hero and the commitment of the “Helping hands”, as they call themselves, are known. Numerous media reports about the action – probably because it seems to stand in contrast to the usual behavior of the Republic. Apparently a lot of people ignore, in the meantime, the Coronavirus and the corresponding restrictions. Recently, the Berlin transport authority, sounded the Alarm, because many passengers have no mouth, nose, and wore protection. A fine of a minimum of 50 euros applies, repeat offenders can expect higher rates.

For a great review a Demo for the Berlin club culture: hundreds of hose made boats with a lot of people on the channel swarmed to the country’s military, many without distance and masks. The party guests were reviled as selfish, the club distanced themselves from the action. However, besides such headline-grabbing Events we see in many places, crowds of people, full of Parks and playgrounds – a leisure behavior as before the pandemic.

Germany’s new “We-feeling”

This Flatten the Curve “were” – “the infection curve flattening” and “solidarity” once the terms of the hour, at the latest since the televised speech of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in mid-March. Younger neighbors were Older and Vorerkrankte shopping, on the balconies was clapped to 21 watch for nurses and Doctors, children painted a rainbow in the window and in social media Hashtags were shared.

The exchange was simple: to stay at home. Little to no friends. Point. Everything else seemed to have the most people in Germany are inappropriate, even in the face of the warnings of the Robert-Koch Institute, there will be tens of millions Infected, should not hold the Germans to the measures.

The Federal government demanded for the people a lot, but rarely consent to a political decision-making was high, with Over 90 per cent in favour in March, according to the “Corona-Monitor” of the Federal Institute for risk assessment, the limitations, even if they have suffered a great loss of Salary or even their economic existence threatened saw. A large, joint performance, praises the medical bioethicist Alena Buyx, the research at the TU Munich on this topic, in an interview with DW. “This Potential was always there, now it’s come to light. That we are made good by the pandemic, also shows the size of this potential.”

The new laxity

After weeks of easing and falling Infection, the situation is not so simple. Meet friends: Yes, but where? In the Park, where the contagion is at its lowest? Or is there any at home – in spite of the warnings against hazardous aerosols? In the flying on vacation or the days on the balcony to spend? Home Office or large office? And what is with the mask: getting on your nerves only, or also protects you? And, if Yes, who?

so What became of the much-vaunted solidarity, the end of which was written not only in social media?

medical ethics Buyx sees no departure, but a regionalisation of solidarity. This “solidarity Hotspots” would be exactly where they are needed: Where the Infection has rapidly increased, such as in slaughterhouses, after Church services, or a visit to a restaurant. “The social power is not less, but differently, and you had to,” says Buyx. “We have, of course, rules are still rules that apply throughout the country – such as the mask duty at certain places, the distance between the bid and the hygiene. But, we have another level at which it is about to split up. And there are solidarity Hotspots in demand.”

solidarity Hotspot Gütersloh

And they really are, as in the district of Gütersloh, where many employees at the meat factory Tönnies life and Juliet, Hero and other Volunteers pitch in. As long as people behave in principle in solidarity is questionable. Buyx does not believe that the “solidarity potential is infinite”. This is also why the German ethics Council, whose Chairman, you had requested, early on, that on opening perspectives to the Corona-limitations thought must be. “That’s why I welcomed the regionalisation and the upper limit, because the does not mean that we always demand something of the same Solidarity, but only where there is a specific reason.”

The regionalisation provides that new contact can limitations be imposed, if there are in a County within seven days, more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the so-called “7-days-incidence”.

For Julia Hero of the time of exhaustion did not come in any case, even if your day starts in the voluntary work, already, at six o’clock in the morning and sometimes ends at midnight. “I do not at all in question, this is the most Normal thing for me is that I’m moving on now. This is not difficult, because I see how grateful people are,” she says.

author: Stephanie Höppner

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*The post “Corona-crisis: The end of solidarity?” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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