As the phone came up, managed strictly religious Jewish communities, a separate Version of the technical innovation. And today?

At a traffic light junction in Jerusalem, 2014 photo: Jim Hollander

he Who lives according to the strict rules of religious Judaism, eats only products that are kosher. There are a variety of Kosher certificates. In Israel, roughly 10 percent of the adult population of ultra-Orthodox life, so strictly religious. Each of the currents – the originally Eastern European Hasidim, the Lithuanian-born Mitnagdim and the Sephardic Jews from Asia and North Africa – has its own rules: for clothing, who do you support in politics and what is the Kosher certification for bonus veren siteler food is permitted.

Only one thing is the most important rabbis and their sub-groups together: the kosher cell phone.

What to do with the modern thing? In 2005, a “rabbinical Council for communication”, the negotiated directly with Israeli mobile companies, was formed. They wanted devices that reduced the world’s influence to the minimum. The first kosher phones had therefore only a few functions, like making Calls and the alarm clock; and a separate area code. However, with the advent of Smartphones, it was more difficult. The Internet was convenient, especially for those parts of the community, who worked in “secular” Jobs. But its influence is harmful to the tight-knit community.

Reports from people who grew up and later, the community is left, the Internet plays a Bahsine Central role. There, they discover a world outside of their immediate environment. The American Shulem Deen, for example, describes in his memoirs, “All Who Go Do Not Return”, he began, in Internet forums, exchanged, than to doubt of his Hasidic Faith.

That the Internet had on the kosher Smartphones, no place seems so logical. A further function of the rabbinical Committee under the belt, was Writing text messages. Why?

Thus employs a qualitative study in the journal New Media & Society. Text messages could be the cohesion and discipline undermined, and from the inside. The people usually live in large families and in a confined space, are rarely alone. If you are on the phone, listening so mostly anyone. But SMS? You can write secretly, perhaps even to the other gender. In addition, Via WhatsApp or SMS content can be quickly disseminated to many people, so it’s perfect for restlessness pen inside and a troublemaker.

As a strictly religious communities in the midst of high modern societies, against the influence of the outside fighting, and constantly negotiating boundaries, tells us something about the majority of society. Their Fears are driven by our, on the top and überkonsequent treated.

Now have by the way, many ultra-Orthodox two Smartphones: a kosher and a regular.