Could seem, at times, a debate for another century. At least by the origin of certain literary quotes, loaded with political significance. Only in key national, some speakers raised mentions of the now honored Benito Perez Galdos (which was celebrated just this Saturday, the centennial of his death), but also, several times, of Marcelino Menéndez and Pelayo, and with malicious intentions. The recovered tone sky-is-falling Paul Married in his analysis of the situation in the country, in excessive of their conclusions and in the eagerness tremendista of their adjectives, which seemed to be competing with Santiago Abascal who was away in the hyperbole, resonated in the Courts of those ancient reproaches on the antiEspaña and antiespañoles, coined in the late NINETEENTH century, and of those who were molested later in the Civil War and during the franco regime to release all those who were not in communion with the regime.

Married came to check this Saturday to the winning candidate of the last election and the previous, the socialist Pedro Sanchez, of antipatriota. And it was one of the invectives softer than fired. The leader of the PP portrayed a panorama apocalyptic of the current Spain, almost pregolpista and even warned: “I Want the spaniards to know that we are faced with an operation of demolition constitutional”. Reproached him for having lost the dignity to lead the PSOE and the decency not to stop lying about its intentions in the bestiary of their pacts of power. And in the same phrases was able to bind concepts about dictators banana and communist bolivarian or narcodictaduras, questioned that it was the socialist Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba that ended with ETA and called the ERE of Andalusia as “the case of greater plunder of Europe”.


Debate of investiture of Pedro Sanchez, latest live news to The debate of investiture of Pedro Sanchez, in pictures Abascal resorts to insult and Sanchez responds with data to the “lies of the right wing” Married to a threat to Sanchez with the courts and recovered their speech harder

Sanchez thanked him sarcastically that moderation, but it is clear that you have a different concept of Spain and of patriotism. It was declared patriot “cover by all citizens equally” and therefore expresses his vision of how to manage the country is another: “Spain just how it is”. Not how you would like. That is to say, how they have voted the majority of the voters in up to five appearances with the polls in 2019. Spain, which make up 60% of the deputies accused by the right of antiespañolidad and that are represented now mostly in the lower Chamber, as he recalled the calculation of votes Alberto Garzón. Sanchez advised there Married, as if it were a treatment for alcoholics anonymous, which we would do well to recognize the fact that it takes five electoral process losing to start to learn how to win some day. He knows what he’s talking about.

All of these predictions to the defeatists of the PP, Vox and Citizens about the collapse of Spain as we knew it and irresponsible warnings of golpismo were replicated repeatedly by Sanchez: “Here is not going to break Spain, nor the Constitution, only the lock in front of a progressive government”. A slogan that is likely to be sculpted in this convulsed XIV legislature that they didn’t just boot normally. Nothing is as normal on the eve of the Epiphany. Everything seems anomalous in the Congress.

so Much so that when it came to Abascal, Vox, appeared more measured than Married. And that it released epithets of liar, scammer, fraud, villain, comic, tyrant banderas, unworthy, a figurehead of communists and separatists, and defiler of tombs. Abascal went to the lectern with a book by Ivan Velez, The Conquest of Mexico, about the exploits of Hernan Cortes, which was fulfilled in 2019 the fifth centenary of their arrival in Mexico. Sanchez was not put off and will be cited to the face. Then not bit his tongue. The socialist leader alludes to everything that you can to the right together. It will do more. Understands that reports votes and legitimacy to its political maneuvers more complex to highlight that the vision of Spain’s PP, Vox and Cs is “dark, dated, closed, loser, dark, unsafe, and refolded in on itself.”