While the Danes have the Coronavirus, with strict measures such as no other country in Europe, there are the Swedes with their more permissive strategy has been to far worse. Thus, the number of Corona-related deaths has increased in Sweden recently on 4029 (as of Monday). The Northern European country, that made by less strict measures against the new Coronavirus attention, now receives a much higher death rate than its neighbouring Scandinavian countries.

The Website, Worldometer, according to Sweden currently has 399 Corona-related deaths per Million inhabitants. In Norway, there are 43 Deaths per Million in Denmark, 97 in Finland 56. The country, with its 10.3 million inhabitants, but is still behind other European countries such as France, with 435 deaths per Million inhabitants, the United Kingdom and Italy, each with 542, or Spain, with 615 deaths per Million inhabitants.

Swedish authorities justify their action

The Swedish chief virologist Anders Tegnell stressed, the comparison of mortality rates of caution. “In Sweden, everyone was, at the Covid-19 demonstrated, and in the course of 30 days dies, as Covid-19-dead counted, regardless of the cause of death,” said Tegnell, the AFP news Agency. imago images/TT The Swedish Staatsempidemiologe Anders Tegnell

The Swedish government is increasingly accused of being to play by the renunciation of consistent measures with the life of its citizens. Again and again, the Swedish health authorities insist their approach was sustainable in the long term and drastic short-term measures are not effective enough to justify its impact on the society.

Open armed to the opening of the borders between the Scandinavian countries

But the otherwise unanimously appearing neighbouring countries to Express, in the meantime, significant criticism – specifically, it deals with the issue of border openings. Denmark, Finland and Norway, to consider, to keep their borders for Swedish citizens closed. Too great was the danger, to pick up new foci of infection in the country.

the Danes to discuss the borders as quickly as possible for the economically important German tourists re-open, but not for visitors from Sweden. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen will present this week a Plan “for a controlled and step-the re-opening of the summer tourism”. dpa/Ida Guldbaek Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix/AP/dpa, The Danish Minister Mette Frederiksen informed at a press conference on the Coronavirus (archive).

“Then the youth cliques from Sweden come to celebrate”

Kristian Thulesen Dahl of the right-wing populist Danish people’s party, stressed that German or Norwegian holiday home owners are welcome. But he warned: “If we just open the border, then the youth cliques from Sweden come to celebrate, to Copenhagen, and then we have a Problem.”

Similar to the view in Finland. The idea of a free Nordic “travel bubble”, how about the Baltic States, rejected the Finnish Minister of the interior Maria Ohisalo on the sidelines of a meeting of the Nordic Minister of the interior. “Norway, Denmark and Iceland, it is a success to stabilize the Situation, the situation in Sweden is worrying,” said the Minister. In the past week, she had emphasized, moreover, that it could be due to the tense Situation in Sweden is no uniform Nordic line on the subject of border openings.

Norway’s chief epidemiologist: “It is logical to keep our border tight”

bear in mind that an opening of borders could lead to more infections, there are also in Norway. Norway’s chief epidemiologist, Frode Forland even turned in the Swedish broadcasting to the neighbors. He said: “you now have a greater spread of the Virus than we do, and that is why it is logical to keep our border tight.” Currently Norwegians are allowed to visit Sweden though, you need to go, however, after the return trip for ten days in quarantine. In June it will be decided whether the current restrictions are maintained. dpa, The Local, opened in Sweden.

in Total, were registered in Sweden so far, according to official data 33.843 Coronavirus infections. The measures taken have been in Sweden, however, much more moderate than elsewhere: meetings with more than 50 people are banned, only high schools and universities closed. The government and the authorities to appeal otherwise mainly to the good sense and the common sense of its citizens. Ask them to keep a distance and to remain with symptoms at home – the Latter in particular is seen by some scientists skeptical.

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Sweden’s talk of “discrimination”

Sweden was outraged at the discussions of the neighbouring countries. Secretary Ann Linde even spoke of “discrimination”. And the Minister for foreign trade and Nordic cooperation, Anna Hallberg, added: “We believe that it is not acceptable that a country discriminates against another country due to open borders in the internal market.”

The Nordic passport Union was “one of the greatest achievements between the Nordic countries,” quoted the “world” Johan strand, a Professor at the Nordic Institute of the University of Helsinki. “The fact that this freedom is now in the game, if Sweden is excluded at the border openings, is a hard setback.”

The Swedish travel expert, Lotti Knutson was asked in the channel TV4 on the weekend, whether Sweden would now such a thing as the “bullying victims in Europe”. You could say so, replied Knutson. More to the Coronavirus

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