Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has promised a big “boom” When shopping, you pay less tax, in addition, money flows into the family Fund. The Federal government wants to bring the citizens in the Corona-crisis in a buying mood. The Bundestag and the Bundesrat decided on Monday important parts of the 130 billion dollar economic package to stimulate consumption.

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“We have put together a package for Germany,” said economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU). The biggest stimulus package in German history could relieve millions of citizens and the economy back on the growth track.

doubts as to the effectiveness of the package

However, there are doubts as to whether the aid actually work. “In total, the economic stimulus programmes should not be directed to high expectations,” said Ifo President Clemens Fuest. The liberals from criticizing the government pack with a “Bang” the shotgun – “but a loud Bang is still not a hit”. The President of the taxpayers Association, Reiner wooden nail complained in the Interview of the editors ‘ network, Germany (RND/Tuesday): “The high number of 57 individual measures makes it clear that the government is going on rather with the watering can, to focus on a concentrated and targeted incentives for growth.” dpa Manuela Schwesig, Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Stephan Weil (both SPD), Minister President in lower Saxony, with mouth-and nose protection masks at the special session of the Federal Council.

in detail:


Many of the purchases at the supermarket, furniture store or electric market for a year and a half cheaper. The VAT rate is reduced from 1. July to 31. December 19 to 16 percent. The reduced rate that applies to a lot of food and Goods of daily demand, will be reduced from 7 to 5 percent.

Cheaper it is for the consumer only, if the retail, the tax reduction and, lower prices. Many stores have announced, some of which were already awarded on Monday to lower prices. However, the Opposition doubts that there is enough retailers on Board. The Left party politician Sahra wagenknecht, quoted in the Bundestag studies, according to which only 15 percent of the tax reduction to arrive at their consumers.

A boost for the economy, the tax cut also brings with it only if the citizens are shopping more and expensive purchases in spite of the crisis a couple of months prefer. Therefore, the Minister of Finance Scholz wants to return also not necessarily in January at the old tax rate – otherwise, the effect am just Smoking away my fears he. dpa/Daniel Bockwoldt/Symbol is possible: the shopping spree

When grocery shopping is expected to bring the new tax rate is only a few cents Savings. Greater the difference in the case of expensive purchases, such as a washing machine. According to the account of the FDP and the average household saves only 30 Euro in a month. The majority of citizens (57 percent) feel this is not for the money, encouraged to spend, as a recent survey conducted by the Yougov Institute showed.


families will receive a Supplement on child benefit: In September 200 Euro more per child, in October, another 100 euros. This applies to all children entitled to child had at some point in this year’s money, or have – even those born in November. dpa/Tobias Hase/dpa/picture Icon Euro coins on Euro banknotes.

The grant will be offset in the tax Declaration, together with the Children’s allowances, but not social security benefits counted. As a result, families will benefit, especially with less money: The more you earn, the less of the Bonus remaining after tax left. From about 85 900 euros in annual income for the parents of the grant have nothing more.

How useful is the children’s bonus for the revival of the economy, is controversial. The retail sector relies on the fact that the families benefit from the 300 Euro per child to Shop. But at the same time, the Bonus will be criticized as a consolation.

FOR SINGLE parents

Single-parent families, which are charged in the Corona-time, get additional help: the discharge amount of the tax will be doubled in this and the coming year, more than from 1908 to 4008 Euro. This amount can pull off the Single tax Declaration of the amount of your income, so you pay less taxes.


many small and medium-sized companies in need of fast money in the Fund to pay outstanding invoices. Therefore, you get better possibilities of current crisis to offset losses with gains from the previous year. In order for companies to invest now and purchases not to defer, the depreciation improves the rules until the end of 2021. “Such pulses are in need of our company is now urgent, especially since the financing problems, particularly in the Mittelstand,” said the President of the German chamber of Commerce and industry tags, Eric Schweitzer. dpa, The Minister-presidents and delegates of the countries taking part in observance of the safety regulations in the frame of the Corona-pandemic at the special session of the Federal Council.

But also the other points from the stimulus package should be implemented quickly. This is mainly to Bridging loans to ailing companies to survive the summer months, and from the expected economic upturn can benefit. Without quick help, showmen, organisers, stand builders and / or bus companies are threatening to disappear from the market.


The Federal government expects that this year’s stimulus package, nearly 23.4 billion Euro less tax net. The majority of the Federal government. In order to cope with the Minister of Finance Scholz taking even more loans. Meanwhile, debts from 218.5 billion euros are foreseen for 2020 record. So much has never recorded a Federal government in a year. Scholz plans to repay the largest part of the Corona-debt within 20 years from 2023 back. His second supplementary budget is to be decided by the Bundestag this week. Not to beat “on stupidity”: Dobrindt has AfD-sharp man, rightly, FOCUS Online/Wochit “to beat On stupidity”: Dobrindt has AfD-sharp man, rightly, On rally: Attila Hildmann harassed journalists and ignored minimum distance FOCUS Online/Wochit On rally: Attila Hildmann harassed journalists and ignored, a minimum of

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