Up to 1000 Euro Bonus from the Federal government promised health Minister Jens Spahn of the staff in the care of the elderly, with the Option for the States and the employer of the amount to another 500 euros tax-free increase. A sign of recognition for those who experience the consequences of the corona of a crisis in the old homes from up close and, despite their own risk, tirelessly, to use.

This week, the Federal government has now adopted the corresponding law, but in the case of the countries is still unclear, whether and the extent to which you increase the Bonus. As the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported, are so far only ten of the 16 States ready to do so. As the sheet continues to write, not fixed in addition, in many countries, when and from where the 500 Euro should be paid. The same applies for the participation of the employer.

criticism, there was also the Bonus of a nurse will only be paid to the elderly, but not sick in the hospitals. “It is very unfortunate that the Federal-wide agreement takes only the care of the elderly in the eye,” said the group Deputy of the Greens, Let Peter dotter, in the middle of may.

it is Clear that The one-time Bonus payment is only a small gesture of appreciation. This draws the eye to the debates about the low status of care workers in Germany, which already existed before the Coronkrise.

care: Adequate remuneration is a prerequisite

“care to deserve a better pay,” said Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn, when he announced the end of January, the increase in the care of minimum wage. To 1. April 2022 to rise, the hourly rates therefore, to EUR 11.20 (Care assistant) and 15,40 euros (care professional). A caregiver refers to so minimum wage, your gross income is at least between 2175 Euro and 2669 euros.

The Problem: Far above minimum wage, hardly any employer pays today, Thomas Müller criticized. The expert was more than 15 years in care, before he and his company Curassist independently and is now a freelance nurses and care-dependent people leads through the thicket of bureaucratic obstacles to each other. “The increase in the minimum wage has ultimately led to many of the based hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient care services or health insurance, now.”

specialist knowledge of the care workers need to be rewarded

Instead of a fair payment, the undifferentiated minimum wage, according to müller’s opinion, a very different, dangerous message: “Everyone can care.” Exactly this was not the case. In order to make care professions more attractive, would have to adapt to the payment, finally, to the expertise of the nurses, asks the expert.

And further: “The expertise of the individual nurses will not be rewarded. If I let myself, for example, as a nurse, to Wundmanager training and Expertise in acquisitions, I will not be paid, therefore, in General, better. In the case of Doctors this is completely different.“ Further developments would have to make not only in your CV, but also on the salary slip of paper noticeable.

self-employment for nurses only with the greatest effort possible

That wage payments in the care to move too often in the field of care, minimum wage, together with limited access to self-employment. You leave as a nurse the employee, “no longer can I offer my expertise, quasi,” warns Müller. It is a relationship of dependence is created because health insurance companies often refuse to take payments for free care forces.

The reasons of Müller, in particular, in the lack of recognition of qualifications, as well as bureaucratic hurdles, even though the corresponding paragraph of the social code were very specific.

Instead, Mr sche a more lax approach to the law, which does not mean “that the goal to make a career, or even the dream of self-employment in nursing exist”. With a consistent implementation of the legislation had already gained a lot of.

care needs to be more staff on the stations

For the employees of the nursing staff on the hospital wards, there are additional challenges. So, many hospitals are planning for night-time use with minimal personnel expenses.

A nurse in sole responsibility for an entire Station was, according to müller’s therefore not uncommon: “The nurse must have permanent fear that someone close to you dies, while she is busy with the care of other patients. This chronic understaffing is on the Psyche.“ More staff would solve the Problem.

a Reasonable wage, self-employment and a number of staff above the minimum – the long-term measures to make care professions more attractive, are visible. May the corona of a crisis provides the impetus for real change. The season starts: What to look for when strawberry sale FOCUS Online/should pay attention to The season Wochit launches: What to look for when strawberry sale

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