The Sand was always there, everywhere. He put crawled through the narrow gap under the door, wafted in through the open window, in the little wrinkles under the eye, trickled in the evening from the boots, up on the living room floor, a puddle had formed, looked like a miniature of the dunes, which began not far from the Stube of the parents. The desert, the Namib, you, is was just behind the fence of the Farm.

Hellmut von Leipzig, grew up with her, back in Keetmannshoop, a dry, dusty city in the South of Namibia, the roads to Windhoek and Lüderitz meeting, actual Nowhere. Is there a grown up, 20 years of the 20th century. Century, the country is not English-the South-West, no colony more.

Behind him, in front of him the Front

In the desert he has learned to move by heat, like other children, learn to Swim. And on the Farm of his parents, he learned, finally, just seven years old, to understand with the Opel of the father, four wheel drive, the face scarcely above the steering Wheel, the Sand, his movements, his moods.

And so he stood, years later, at the other end of the African continent, in a different desert, now in the hands of a steering Wheel of the Wehrmacht, at the foothills of a Minefield. Behind him, in front of him the Front, and next to him is a General, Winston Churchill later as the largest box, Lord of the Germans should call. And the General looked at the field, the death in the ground, and asked: will we make it? And Hellmut von Leipzig, knew the Sand, but fear not, said: Yes, we can do it. Then he put the car in gear and drove off.

Here are German pensioners to escape the Winter

More than 70 years have passed since then, and Hellmut von Leipzig has seen a war and the Apartheid, a struggle for independence and a year of the new Millennium. Now he sits, hands on the wheels of his wheelchair, again in the Sands of Namibia, a little further North, just outside the capital of Windhoek. Playboy

94 years old, he lives there with his wife on a former cattle farm, which is today the seat of peace. A home for the aged in Nothing, with the view of the plain, and with a sun that goes through the skin and the bone warms. A village, in the old German Namibians, the name itself is still proud of the SOU’wester, in the eternity blink and German pensioners of the German Winter escape.

Rommel’s battle driver

Hellmut von Leipzig has set up here. On the wall next to the bedroom door, he hung three pictures. One shows his brother, on a Friedrich the Great to see, and on the third the man that he is, at the time, into the mine field. Erwin Rommel, the desert Fox.

Hellmut von Leipzig battle driver was in North Africa. The best time of my life, he says, and replies to the question, if he wanted to tell a bit of what comes out of this time: Very happy, as long as me legs can carry still. Knocks going to be a big joke, on his wheelchair, no longer laughing with the fervor of a sudden youth, before he has the legs to wear, but do not tell the senses deceive even begins. The eyes folded in a very wild, hands in the lap, sometimes you tense up.

He wanted to only briefly to Germany

Actually, it says Hellmut von Leipzig, and pauses for a moment, because Yes, the whole irony is. Actually. The greatest mistakes begin. He knows, he has experienced it, Yes. Playboy

Actually, so wanted to Namibia Hellmut von Leipzig, a child, just after Germany. For the training. Engineering mechanics, for three years, four maybe. And after returning home, he began to miss on the ship on which he traveled together with 500 other young men in Hamburg.

the country was on the path to war

Three weeks ago the Crossing took. I had, says he, no idea what to expect in Germany. He was 16 years old at the time, 1937. And came to a country he knew only from the Newspapers and from the accounts of the travelers that made a Stop in Keetmanshoop, on the road between Luderitz and Windhoek.

This man is for sure: “I’ve found Hitler’s secret atomic bombs,” This man is for sure: “I’ve found Hitler’s secret atomic bombs in a hidden valley,” FOCUS Online/Ruptly, This man is for sure: “I’ve found Hitler’s secret atomic bombs in a hidden valley,”

He came to a country that was on the way to war. However, he could not yet know, as he went to Hamburg from on-Board and soon to Nürnberg travelled. Long, what had started was unstoppable. The marches, the runs are wrong Torch, the one-armed La Ola of the seduced. All of this, he says, has impressed me. The masses and their hysteria. But at the same time it repelled me, it was.

Could not escape the war

The party Hellmut von Leipzig refused, and the war, but he could not escape. It went great, and he, the cadet, now, came to the military. I tried Namibia return, he says. Shortly before the war began. But that was not possible. The course of history is a ruthless Ranger.

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