Freak out, Dance Party for the age group, it has particularly vivid, is the Corona-the time a crippling time. Teenagers and young adults may meet in the meantime, back to your friends, but publicly celebrate just with the handbrake. Clubs are closed, concerts are not deleted, major events are held. The parties are moving in the Parks, where the waste generated, or to other places. Sometimes it escalates, such as Stuttgart or Frankfurt.

How to do that in the coming weeks and months, when the summer is eventually over and the celebrations? It asks the youth organizations of the parliamentary parties, coming of criticism, specific suggestions, and warnings.

to celebrate, despite the pandemic: “Fight for your right to party”

The youth Links brings also in the case of this subject, by nature, a bit of critique of capitalism: The largest Corona-parties take place in Clubs, but in the case of Tönnies, says the Chairman Anna Westner. As long as “neo-liberal market fanatics” were not ready to talk about it, think of it like the 80s hip-hop Band “Beastie Boys”: “You gotta fight for your right to party – but of course with safety rules.”

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The state asks you to, for example, open spaces, Wastelands or Parking lots for Open-Air events is detected. “Then you can go with a distance to celebrate – for example, by a sufficiently large circle on the floor is marked, you must stay in the course of the event.”

communities to open spaces and areas for parties, create

of Course, young people in pandemic periods should celebrate as “low risk,” says George Kurz, spokesperson of the Green youth. The question is, what options do you get to do that. He, too, is of the opinion that municipalities should be free spaces, offers, and areas for parties create.

this is not Done, could young people seek on their own for niche, and possibly endanger yourself or others, warn of the Jusos, the youth organisation of the SPD. “It does not, therefore, secure offers that can make use of young people. These places include, for example, in the open, where a sufficient distance can be maintained,” says a spokeswoman.

The crisis has the plans of the youth crosses

understanding for the problems of young people in Corona-times comes from the responsible Federal Ministry of youth. The everyday life of many young people have changed significantly. The pandemic have a lot of plans, says a spokeswoman. It had become more difficult to keep straight in your the age important contact to friends. “The young people who have just graduated from school, are in love for the first Time, or this summer for the first Time with your friends instead of the parents in the holiday wanted to stand in front of a completely new life situation.”

she turned against lump-sum judgments, keyword: “Corona-parties”. “A mass phenomenon, in the case of the young and reckless daredevil with all safety and hygiene measures let drive just to get to the fun at your expense, there isn’t.”

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Nora Gaupp, German youth Institute, speaks of a “social responsibility, Youth Be subject to the conditions of the pandemic protection”. It is important to put the needs and demands of young people for socializing and recreation with the needs of the infection protection, and to arrange as far as possible.

right to Party in the pandemic?

the majority of respondents see young politicians. Party to Bend and Break, even if celebrate is one of the privileges of youth, no one wants to. “We should now take a second Lockdown, by being careless,” says Tilman Kuban, the head of the young Union. You could again with friends in Bars, cafes or Outdoor meetings. “This progress we have achieved, we have all helped to pay more attention to the other and to protect each other.” In an exceptional situation, such as the Corona pandemic, all people were asked to take care of each other. “Of course, this applies also for young people,” – said the Jusos.

Too many restrictions, however, the Young Alternative, the youth organisation of the AfD. It will stoked fears of a second wave, says the Chairman Damian Lohr. It should be of no permanent portable state that young people could collect some experiences.

The Chairman of the young liberals, Ria Schröder, is of the view that there is, in principle, a “right to Party”. But in the pandemic, the need to take freedom restrictions. Celebrate with distance and the mouth-nose protection possible. “Even if it is not, of course, the Same. But since we are in this together.”

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