, The security authorities in Hesse see in the case of the murder of Walter Lübcke, again with the criticism faced. You should not have passed in the run-up to the fact information relating to the alleged helper. To further accusations of a Committee of inquiry now.

Hamburg/Kassel (dpa) – The Hessian protection of the Constitution in the case of the murder of Walter Lübcke again in the criticism. According to a report of the NDR, the authority should not be given information about the alleged helpers, Markus H. and, thus, may be its possession of firearms have made it possible.

previously, there had been criticism of the work of the Hessian Constitution protection because the alleged perpetrator, Stephan E. was as a right-wing extremist on the record, but at the time of the offence not under special observation stand. A Committee of inquiry to the latter allegations is to be used in the Hessian Parliament in June, as the research centre “Correctiv” reported on Thursday.

The content of the Committee’s work should begin, therefore, after the summer break. A spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, announced to Parliament in the next plenary week (23. to 25. June) to vote on the appointment decision. This was introduced by the social Democrats, the FDP and the Left.

The CDU politician Lübcke was on 2. June 2019 on the terrace shot. Markus H. is formed by Stephan E. on the gun and a gun for him on his weapons card have registered. Him an accessory to murder and a violation of the arms is the law, accused of. Starting next Tuesday, E. and H. must answer before the higher regional court of Frankfurt.

In terms of H. the NDR wrote that the weapons authority of the city of Kassel had given him because of his right-wing extremist activities, first of all, no weapons possession card. In 2015, I rode this in front of the administrative court in the first place. The protection of the Constitution should back then have only been informed of the activities of H. to 2009, although the authority according to research by the NDR, an entry from 2011 was available.

According to the weapons law, a Person is also considered to be unreliable, if she has pursued within the last five years of anti-constitutional activities. For the period in question from 2010 up to 2015 were presented to the court, therefore, has no information. It is allowed, therefore, the possession of weapons.

the President of The state office for constitutional protection (LfV) in the state of Hesse, Robert shepherd, said the NDR according to the report, that he had no explanation of why the findings of Markus H. from the year 2011 were not submitted. Whether it was a mistake, he could not judge today, said Schaefer. “It is right that we would do differently today.”

From the land office, it was said that the LfV assessed as right-wing extremists, to have his Person it is given multiple contact with the weapons of authority. “In this case, the LfV of Hesse sent directly to the first request by the arms authority in the year to 2012 to the court of actionable insights,” said a spokesman.

The LfV have submitted findings that H. had expressed, among other things, since 2006, on a right-wing extremist, classified websites, and in the case of the re-request 2015 this referred to. “There is a separate note on the Internet activities is in the year 2011 under the Pseudonym of “city cleaner” on the above-mentioned specific Internet channel developed, not made.”

For 2016, the collaboration has intensified between weapons authority and LfV but. “Today, the LfV of Hesse sent the weapons to the authorities with him, this knowledge about the Internet activities of extremists in a more detailed and small-scale, individual “Likes”.”

the Parliamentary Secretary of The SPD parliamentary group in the Hessian Parliament, Günter Rudolph, said that the case shows the importance of a Committee of inquiry was. “We will have to speak very intensely about why the Hessian security authorities over many years, not really able to judge, what is the danger of the right-wing scene that formed in front of the eyes of the constitutional protection, solidified and crosslinked,” he said, according to the memo.

The domestic policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Stefan Müller, said it was a “serious mistake” of the land office. He also stressed the importance of a U-Committee. Hermann Schaus of the Left group, said: “We need far-reaching structural and personnel consequences, even so, we will have to deal with in the launch of receiving the investigation Committee-intensive.”

reliability in the gun law