Election campaigns in the USA are actually a whole bouquet of election campaigns. Different target groups and ethnic groups have different expectations and demands, so presidential candidates are well advised to put their entourage together like a boy band: as varied as possible so that there is the right character for every voter’s taste. This thought may have been one of the reasons Joe Biden made 45-year-old Julie Chávez Rodríguez his campaign manager.

Biden’s team said Chávez Rodríguez is a “trusted and long-standing” supporter of the Democrats. She has been an adviser to the US President since 2020. Most recently, she served as the White House director for federal-local government cooperation. This includes, above all, exchanges with governors, mayors and local officials across the country.

So far, Chávez Rodríguez has played more in the background. But his grandfather César Chávez is known nationwide. He was a well-known trade unionist and had headed the farm workers in the 1960s and co-founded the “National Farm Workers Association”. The granddaughter was, so to speak, born with a love of political struggle. As a child, she took part in campaigns. At the age of nine she was arrested while handing out flyers in front of a supermarket.

In a way, her path to Washington was predetermined. During the administration of Barack Obama, she first moved to the US Department of the Interior and then became one of his assistants. After Harris left the White House, she joined Kamala Harris’ team, who was then running for the US Senate seat.

So now the advocate for women’s and workers’ rights is supposed to help Joe Biden get re-elected, which shouldn’t be an easy job. Because the presidential candidate has a hard time with the Catholic and often conservative Hispanic minority. With this electorate in mind, Biden temporarily had the bust of her legendary grandfather in the Oval Office.

Julie Chávez Rodríguez’s Latino roots come at just the right time. Not only because she is generally committed to the interests of Latinos. Specifically, immigrants are likely to give the campaigning Democrats credit for organizing the corona aid for poor, US territory Puerto Rico. Now she has a year and a half to freshen up the old man in the White House for the next election.

Sources: DPA, BBC, Reuters