FOCUS Online Mr Wagner, did you get in last time, as she dodged people, because they accidentally too Close to them came – for example, in the queue at the supermarket checkout?

Ulrich Wagner: (laughs) Actually, I was shopping this Morning and at the checkout it came to the absurd Situation that the tab with the inscription “keep your distance” is much too close together, were. Since I let myself actually have something to fall back.

“The relaxations to ensure that we are always uncertain, what we do, and what not”

FOCUS Online : The Coronavirus has day-to-day behavior is greatly changed. Some of the people make small hops when they come on the road Accidentally too close. What happens in our heads and why we react so sensitively?

Wagner: what you describe there is a subliminal Form of anxiety, for there are two causes. For one, we don’t see the Virus, what is produced, people will automatically feel a loss of Control. With such a nebulous uncertainties, we can handle all bad, because it is us, the heavier, the real cause of falls to identify – in this case, the Virus.

on The other, the increasing loosening to ensure that it appears to us increasingly unclear what we are supposed to do and allowed and what is not. Also makes for uncertainty on the part of the people. During the lock downs, it was clearly regulated. Although it has not please everyone, but it has given us confidence in dealing with the Virus. A Slogan at the beginning of the crisis ‘we stay at home’ makes it easier for people to Orient themselves. But now we are in a different stage of the pandemic, the country will open again, but what was missing from my point of view, in the last time, was a clear communication of the policy about what is really dangerous and what is not.

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“recommendations should be similar to that communicated as clearly as bans”

FOCUS Online : what would be the communication of the policy, so that the everyday fear of the people?

Wagner: you had mentioned it already. Currently it is so, we go through the city and if someone comes in accidentally just a little too close, which makes us immediately unsafe. With a large probability but this is not at all the Situation in which the greatest danger threatens. We are experiencing currently with the outbreaks in worship services, that spatial closeness seems to be more of a danger. Or places with poor ventilation. Similar we have seen at the very beginning of the crisis, as the people plugged in to carnival events. Accurate, clear information on the part of the policy I am missing at the moment. The recommendations on how we behave now, should similarly be clearly communicated, as before the bans.

FOCUS Online : How can people that your life is not determined by this uncertainty?

Wagner: Well, we don’t have this in the own Hand. My recommendation as a psychologist would, of course, as rational on the whole subject, to approach. But we can rationally deal with an issue and us from our everyday fears of the Virus can make, we need Information – and the need to from the policy. Until a vaccine is found.

“I could imagine that people are looking for, again close to each other”

FOCUS Online , it Is possible that our everyday behavior in a sustainable manner by Corona will change, similar to a Trauma? That we can approach in one to two years, with a queasy feeling to larger groups of people or, for example, with the U-Bahn?

Wagner: This is hard to predict. Of course, it depends on when and if a vaccine is found. I could imagine that people increasingly seek proximity to each other. So a Form of Overcompensation. The people do not look forward positively to the fact, in larger groups, to stop, just because it is currently not possible. Fan potatoes: Swedish variant out of the oven with Parmesan cheese – how to PCP boxes of potatoes: a Swedish variant out of the oven with Parmesan – so it goes