The Drama took place in the Two-room apartment of the family F. in Berlin-Moabit run its course, as the “image” reported. Four hours, after F. had killed his wife was the offender in his apartment on the Rochowsee in Brandenburg itself, the sheet of paper.

at 23.15 notified F.’s daughter, the Berlin police. Her father confessed to her, to have her mother killed. The officials were able to do in the apartment, nothing more for the woman – she was apparently stabbed to death.

Saul F. and Brad strolled through Venice

Saul F. made not only as a photographic artist was the talk, but also as a friend and public companion of Hollywood Superstar and Oscar winner Brad Pitt. Last year, the two walked together at the Venice Biennale on the Red carpet, as well as tourists in the lagoon city.

The police found F. 3 a.m. on Thursday morning in his garden gazebo. “There is no evidence of third party negligence in the moment,” said a spokesman for the Brandenburg police, the “image”.

exhibitions around the world

Saul F. as a self-taught artist described. He started to photograph the lush rural landscape surrounding his childhood home in the English County of Lincolnshire, and was, above all, for its dark, dream-like images known. F.’s works have been shown in numerous prestigious exhibitions, including in London, Vienna, and Pittsburgh.

editors ‘ note: We have decided in this case to report on suicide. Unfortunately, it can happen that depressed-assessed people to see Reports of this kind of view reinforces that life had little meaning. It should happen to you, please contact pastoral care of immediately the phone. Help you will find free Hotlines, such as 0800-1110111 or 0800-3344533 .

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