The 2024 Peace of Westphalia Prize goes to French President Emmanuel Macron. Since the beginning of his presidency, he has made the deepening of European cooperation the focus of his policy and is thus strengthening peace in Europe, the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe (WWL) announced on Friday in Münster. The society awards the prize as a sponsor every two years. Because of the corona pandemic, the rhythm had recently not been maintained.

The German-Polish Youth Office is also awarded. The award is endowed with 100,000 euros, half of which goes to the youth organization. The award ceremony will take place at the beginning of 2024 in the town hall in Münster. An exact date has not yet been set.

“We are very pleased that President Macron is coming to Münster to accept the award in person,” said WWL Chairman Reinhard Zinkann. The German-Polish Youth Office will also be represented by top-class representatives and young people from the organization. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has confirmed his attendance at the award ceremony.

With the award, the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe honors personalities or representatives of states and groups who are particularly committed to European integration. Previous winners have included Jordan’s King Abdullah II, the international crew of the ISS space station with Alexander Gerst, as well as Vaclav Havel, Helmut Kohl, Kofi Annan, Daniel Barenboim and Helmut Schmidt.

Youth Prize for the German-Polish Youth Office

Most recently, in 2021, the former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the former North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev were honored. The two received the award for their agreement in the Macedonian name dispute and the resulting stability in the Balkans.

The German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW) is awarded the youth prize. Since 1991, the agency has promoted the exchange of young people between Germany and Poland, thus helping them to get to know and understand each other. “Commitment was expanded long before the Ukraine war, so that in the current conflict a strong shelter for young people who have fled Ukraine was created,” the statement said.

“With his pro-European policy, Emmanuel Macron is making a contribution to peace in times of war. Despite serious upheavals with the Russian leadership, he is able to maintain the dialogue and thus act in accordance with the Westphalian peace treaty of 1648,” explained the Jury their decision for the French President. The Russian strike forces invaded Ukraine over a year ago on the orders of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin.