Whether under a blazing sun or a pouring rain, environmentalists wander, day after day, on the banks of the Rhone – one of the major achievements of Gérard Collomb,–, encouraged by cyclists, walkers and picnickers that parade here every day. What irony that the capital of the macronie (it is in Lyon that took place the first congress of LREM in November 2017), which does not now count no candidate of the majority. The Greens, themselves, don’t care and want to enjoy it, carried by the momentum gained in the first round of the municipal by the head of the list Grégory Doucet (happened in the first round with 28,46 % of the vote). He repeats again, this local election provides a national issue, and ” history, because this is the last mandate for action on climate and because our victory will resonate well beyond Lyon. Ever a city of this importance has not been managed by an executive ecologist, there are no examples of other cities in France, in Europe and in the world. “

After their alliance with the lists of the left (from the PS to the PC and BIA), here joined by a series of old travelling companions, Gérard Collomb, put off by the gathering formed in response, among the list LREM of the current mayor of Lyon and that of the candidates of The Republican (LR), namely Stephen White (at the town hall, which has left its place to the candidate LREM Yann Cucherat, who is then denied the nomination by the party) and François-Noël Buffet (the metropolis). Among the deserters, who have come to swell the ranks of the green list, we find the mp macroniste of Lyon Hubert Julien-Laferrière, recently passed in the group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity, the vice-president of the metropolis of Thierry Philip, the mayor of the 8th, Christian Coulon, the former mp Pierre-Alain Muet, and even former president PS of Rhône-Alpes Jean-Jack Queyranne…

Read also A setback for Gérard Collomb and LREM to the Metropolis of Lyon

Towards a large green wave in France ?

The prospect of the victory of Grégory Doucet, Sunday, also inspired some of the national leaders of EELV which are to dream, after their success at the recent european elections (led by Yannick Jadot, he had harvested 13.48 per cent of the votes, rising to the third place), a green wave in the big cities of France next Sunday, and why not other victories.

Well, Julien Bayou, described him as a few days ago, the victory announced the Green “d” history “, during a recent walk on these same banks of the Rhône. “Lyon is the second city of France, and here, the movement plays big “, had entrusted the national secretary of EELV. What happens here is truly unprecedented, exceptional and historic. With Lyon, it will move from experimentation to generalization, this fact does not Emmanuel Macron at the national level. The intention is to transform the test. “

With the regional elections in line-of-sight, due out next year ? Environmentalists have a well ; it is still necessary that they not be deferred to 2022, after the presidential election. A perspective that is not enthusiastic. Julien Bayou even describes himself as ” dumbfounded by the eventual postponement of the deadline for personal reasons proposed by Emmanuel Macron “.

“Nationally, the alternation is possible”

In the wake of the regional councillor of Île-de-France, Yannick Jadot is also come to make a tour to Lyon to sniff the wind of the victory, this time on the banks of the river Saône, with the candidates Grégory Doucet and Bruno Bernard (who works for him, to the metropolis of Lyon). The head of the list EELV to the european is also Lyon as a national issue for his party. “If Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Grenoble, Tour, Metz, Besançon and other cities to become ecologists, it means that we are able to gather largely around the strong project of the ecology, consider it. If Lyon, the cradle of the macronie, becomes the green capital, and it means that, nationally, the alternation is possible. “An injunction to the success of the Green lyon, in any way.

writing will advise you

The point on Lyon – How Gérard Collomb account does not let go