protests against mining and deforestation, hydropower plants and large-scale farms are, in many places, dangerous: last year, worldwide 212 environmentalists have been killed, as a non-governmental organization Global Witness published study shows.

on average, more than four murders per week and more than ever before. In addition, the environment are threatened, conservationists in many countries due to their work again and again, slandered, and brought before a court.

environmentalists murdered in these countries the risk is particularly high

most of The killings of environmental activists were carried out according to the study, in Colombia (64), the Philippines (43) and Brazil (24). More than two-thirds of all cases registered Global Witness in Latin America. But also in the EU-country of Romania were killed in the past year, two environmental activists. The organization believes that the actual number of slain environmental activists is much higher, because many cases are covered up or not displayed.

Behind the acts of violence companies, farmers and, in part, state actors and criminal gangs, paramilitary groups and rebels stuck to the non-governmental organization. “Agriculture, Oil, Gas and mining for the violence against environmentalists – these are precisely the industries that are fuelling deforestation, and emissions of climate change,” says Rachel Cox of Global Witness.

most of The killings related to mining and agriculture

most of The killings are associated with mining (50), followed by agriculture (34), and forestry (24). “Many of the worst violations of human rights have to do with the exploitation of our natural resources as well as corruption in politics and the economy,” says Cox. “Environmentalists are those who stand up against it.”

In the extreme North-East of Colombia fights Angelicá Ortiz for years against the environmental damage caused by the coal mine in El Cerrejón. The largest open-cast coal mine in Latin America, extends in the Department of La Guajira, to about 690 square miles, and produced more than 25 million tons of coal per year.

environmentalist Ortiz: “We are drying up and fight for our country,”

“Our sources of water, air, and water are contaminated with heavy metals, the people are sick,” says Ortiz. Her people, the Wayúu living in the semi-desert of the Guajira, especially of cattle breeding. “We are fighting for our country, our rights and a healthy environment,” says Ortiz.

Also in Germany, coal is imported from Colombia. However, the amount decreased significantly the last. The South American country in 2016, with 8.1 million tons, after Russia the second largest coal supplier for the German power plants, slid in Colombia, with only 2.1 million tons last year to fourth place.

Nevertheless, environmentalist Ortiz sees the electricity consumers in Germany in the responsibility. “You should know what happens here so you will have it bright and warm,” she says. “Here, whole villages are to soft and the people are sick.” In addition, Ortiz and her colleagues are threatened by the women’s Association of the Wayúu because of her commitment and intimidated.

number of murders of environmental activists increased in 2019 to 150 percent compared to the year-on-year

in Spite of the peace Treaty between the Colombian government and the leftist guerrilla organization Farc, the violence against social leaders has increased, human rights activists and environmentalists in the South American country last. The number of murders of environmental activists increased in 2019 to 150 percent compared to the previous year. With 64 cases, approximately 30 percent of all the murders worldwide Colombia.

Ortiz is coming of it, but their enemies are always in view. Most recently her Name popped up on a leaflet with the title “death for all – Social cleansing”, which circulated in La Guajira. “It is not enough, you rats. Soon we will be one after the other to eradicate it. You have 48 hours to leave the Department“, it said. Ortiz, the fear remained – also. German diver disappears in Walmaul: “Nothing can prepare a” FOCUS Online German diver disappears in Walmaul: “Nothing can be a prepare” Hai, only a few centimeters: COP little boy saves away before the attack PCP shark only a few centimeters: policeman small saves boy from attack
