All looked up to you. Over and over again. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had for weeks as the most important Entscheiderin with the Corona-protection requirements. During their press conferences, rounds, in accordance with the Switching with the heads of government of the countries, the Nation is banned to you, and what may of come of staring. Shops, shops closed, pubs, restaurants, sealing, output restrictions, mouth and nose protection in the public space of Merkel, the commandos came. To be more precise: it stated what the government had agreed heads of the countries in a round with her.

Now, however, this type of Switch is the first. The countries to take back really the Director. Tell the heads of government, anyway.

switching conferences with Merkel to the crisis? “The bugged brutal”

What to see in Berlin arrives at some as a defiant gesture profile addict countries the Prince of the brand “We are still here”, appears on closer Inspection and Listening, in some cases more objectively because personally justified. “There was talk in Berlin on a regular basis about things that had to answer to us,” complains a country Minister. “The bugged brutal.” It was therefore better if the countries could decide what you would have to pay for in the case of the cases, is also free and close to the village.

… and then in the district of

calls From the point of view of the state chancelleries and ministries, namely, the thing turned out to be the last about this: on Wednesdays, it was decided in Berlin what had occur on Mondays in pubs, driving schools or anywhere else in their countries to. In the crazy pace of regulations had to be written. “Friday afternoon the first of the revolted district administrators called then: “Are you crazy, I have to implement this until Monday?”

“Jura the high reck”

Such a Corona-protection regulations, General orders, and decrees of Jura were “on the high-stretch”, reports one who had to create on a regular basis. “The need to legally sit”. If the boutique owner, would have just invested 250,000 euros, should be declared that “you are not allowed to sell from Monday on”, then the reactions could be even more violent. Not to mention the legal decisions.

dpa/Bernd Thissen/dpabild Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia

That is the concern that courts might cash requirements of the policy, specifically, call again and again, the judge signals into the memory. The pad a few weeks ago, that the shops are likely to open up to 800 square meters, again, acknowledged Bavarian Supreme administrative judge with the note that a ban on the sale of businesses according to number of square metres is not permitted.

As Ramelow to the Trendsetter

is Already in the individual States, the diversity is enormous. Alone in North Rhine-Westphalia, it goes to 396 municipalities.

If you look at all countries, to identify an”infection events”, that is, in fact, extremely different. So there was, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern last zero new Corona cases, in Bremen, in Bavaria 130. More and more heads of government of the countries think that the one could no longer “scissors sensibly over a comb,” argues a country Minister, therefore, should be equal to this attempt. Initially, in the acute Notalage, it was important, in the nationwide vote . Now, however, this is no longer useful. Because of the Ramelow have “” right, mutters a CDU-politician, “is the Ramelow” rarely right.

Loosening Exercises of all places

Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) has announced today in any case, officially, what he had yesterday more than hinted at: His country would move “out of the crisis mode in the control mode”. Despite the harsh criticism he wants to put the exit from the Corona pads Fort.

dpa/Martin Schutt/dpa-Central image/dpabild Bodo Ramelow (Left), Prime Minister of Thuringia,

Actually, should take place after Pentecost, the next Berlin (Video-)conference of the Prime Minister with Merkel. Because the current rules and contact restrictions to run on 5. June from. On Tuesday evening, it was then out of government circles, that the contact limitations up to the 29. June should be extended.

more and more provinces start now your own Loosening Exercises. The theatres, cinemas and concert houses in Brandenburg from to 6. June, subject to conditions again allowed to open. Also, Hamburg could press to his once very high infection numbers currently on the zero, want it for sports, recreation, cultural and seniors work more casual approach. The first mayor, however, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), stressed that they remain vigilant.

The total overview for the countries is now so complicated and extensive that it is needed instead of an Excel spreadsheet, a Excel Wallpaper.

at Least a minimum standard save

The Chancellor exercises the views of the General, loosening in any case, the longer queasy. “It would be really depressing if we would return because we want too much too fast, back to restrictions, we want to let all behind us,” she said at last. In Berlin, Merkel and her colleagues now hope that at least the three sounded from a distance, on Hygiene and wear a Mask as a minimum standard is maintained. Ramelow, confirmed today, after all, Wearing a mouth-nose protection is more useful.

the Federal fears that the countries are not prepared

especially a concern for members of the government, to driving in Berlin: it Comes to larger outbreaks in the countries or to the anticipated second wave, then the countries and their authorities could be overwhelmed quickly and for help to Berlin apply.

in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) is pretty pissed about his colleagues, he sees the drifting Apart with worry. He criticized a dangerous “countries-race” in the Anti-Corona-relaxations. A further Minister conference of Bavaria, the head of government in the current situation, however, is not sensible. Least was not succeeded, finally, for once, to agree on the level of the state Chancellery, heads of.

When Söder calls for the Federal government

in Bavaria, the head of government would be another lever: more Power to the Federal government in the protection against infection. “Honestly, I think it would be better if the Federal government would have a more binding legal normative power, as is now the case.” A Bayer, who wants to grant the Federal government more powers – which alone one might take as an indication of how high-Söder evaluates the danger.

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