the negotiators of The PSOE and ERC meet again in Madrid to unlock the endowment, The Government and the ‘common’ give the first step to approve the Budgets

In a way almost imperceptible, and despite the setbacks that Pedro Sanchez is finding to close the support of ERC to his inauguration, the Spanish policy seems to be that it starts to get out of the maze that leads tangled almost five years. Covenants to budget as those of Catalonia, where the accounts of the government of catalonia and the Barcelona city Council lead extended from 2017, would mark the path to follow.

“That’s the feeling, although many times we give two steps forward and one backwards, like crabs. Or the other way around,” reflects a senior official of the party in the Government that it maintained its reservations towards Left. A zigzagueo characteristic times that are “not easy”, as acknowledged by Philip VI in his speech of Eve, in that I never seen as hardly surprising —the four general elections from 2015, the motion of censure of 2018, the extreme right turned into a third force in Congress…— and build up all sorts of problems. These difficulties have worsened the diagnosis while they stayed semi-concealed under the monotema the challenge of independence. What was the only community to which the King referred explicitly to the 24 of December? Bingo: Catalonia.

The crisis territorial continues hogging all the spotlight while the public debt remains at record highs, the birth rate plummets to record from 20 years ago and the deficit and unemployment are very high to the chagrin of Brussels. The future Government coalition of the PSOE and United we Can affirm to have many of the solutions, as a system of funding regional express eight months and a Ministry ad hoc against depopulation. The repairs Left are lengthening the time limits of the socialists, that after almost 250 days of functions —the record of what has Mariano Rajoy, 315 days between December 2015 and October 2016— are reluctant to give up an endowment, the eve of epiphany. A scenario that every day that passes in win over skeptics in the socialism.

The PSOE, aware of the delicate territory by the transits, is not happy with the abstention of CKD in the endowment. You want to make sure your support to the Budgets of 2020 (continue to be in force from 2018). A ball of oxygen that, as a minimum, allow the first coalition Government since the Second Republic to reach the equator of the legislature.

A covenant of the endowment was not linked to the Budgets would be an “investiture false”, considered in Ferraz and Moncloa. Until Paul Married, who refuses to facilitate the endowment by making an apology “is not” of Sanchez to Rajoy in 2016, says that would be involved in the governance with the support of the PP in agreements of State on pensions, gender-based violence, Defense, and Infrastructure. And, of course, Catalonia.

waiting for a remedy to the gordian knot that they have become the endowments in Spain, there are already glimpses of the end of the political outcome. In front of the opposition in Madrid, the first signs of the hoped-for stability are concentrated in the periphery, with a few pacts of budget in Catalonia before the 10-N were unthinkable.

Until now the political blockade in Catalonia had as its maximum expression the Budgets carried forward in the Generalitat and the Barcelona city Council. Both institutions work with the accounts to 2017. This gap with the social and economic reality has already taken its toll on the street. A year ago, the president Quim Torra was faced with his first strike for the lack of resources to reverse the cuts that are carried forward from 2010. The agreement for the accounts of 2020 is given by a closed at both institutions. The commons have managed to wrest from the Government, despite the resistance from the more conservative sectors of the PDeCAT, a few tweaks prosecutors that will allow a tax increase of 543 million euros each year.

we Can facilitates the Budgets of the Basque Country. The PNV and PSE-EE took forward the Friday the Budgets for 2020, with the vote against of PP and EH Bildu and the abstention of the Churches. We have created an axis with the PNV and the socialists in everything related to social policies during the process of the wording of the new Statute of the basque the Presentation of Self-government, in which they have parked the discrepancies in identity construction.

Stability in Andalusia despite Vox. The key of the governance have Vox but, on the contrary of what happens in other communities governed by the PP and Cs, such as Madrid, where we have extended Budgets, the government of Juan Manuel Moreno presumed stability. In 11 months, has approved the accounts of 2019 and 2020, which will guarantee to exhaust the mandate using the extension budget if Vox puts an end to the covenant of the legislature.

Threesomes valencia. The input we Can in the Government that the past legislature shared the PSOE and Compromís has provided him strength in a context of national political uncertainty. And allows you to interpret various roles in the agreements to the multiple bands on which depends the Government of Sanchez. Unlike the other barons, socialists, Ximo Puig, has expressed publicly his support to the negotiations with CKD, at the time that Compromís puts as a condition to Sanchez another model of funding. The current is obsolete since 2014.