- All important information for the Corona-crisis in the Live-Ticker
The five-digit Numbers in a number of German cities speak for themselves: protests against racism in connection with the violent death of the African-American George Floyd in the United States are even in this country is a very important and present topic.
Although a number of politicians urge in front of it, also in the case of these Demos, especially the applicable spacing rules to each other to adhere to in order to keep the risk of Infection as small as possible. But the Demos from the weekend have shown that many adhere to the distance rules, and often no mouth protection.
The forces of law and order tolerate, however, this rule breaks, however, most of the time. And this, although it’s still hard to conditions apply, for example, for Bars and Restaurants and house keeping, as before, is not allowed to meet with more than one other household.
How long this can be imbalance in the Corona-policy of the Federal government still maintained? FOCUS Online has carried voices from society and politics together.
Peter Kneffel/dpa At the Munich Royal square, 25,000 people gathered.
warnings, understanding, anger,
Worried> Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) comments <strong fact that in the case of the Demos, in many cases, the Corona-rules are being abused. "We have achieved a lot together," he said the düsseldorf "Rheinische Post". "Now we have it by our behavior even if we Germans have the most difficult part of the pandemic is behind us."
Berlin’s interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) appealed to the pictures from the weekend, with around 15,000 people on the Alexanderplatz at the protesters, the distance rules. “The fundamental rights to freedom of Assembly and expression are fundamental. Nevertheless, the people need to be – to protect themselves and other – aware of the fact that the distance requirement is to be complied with,“ said hostage. That is not to be managed on the Saturday, unfortunately, in Germany, in Berlin at Alexanderplatz. Not expressed any consequences of hostage himself. dpa/Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa, Andreas hostage (SPD), Berlin Senator for the interior, speaks at a press conference.
police unionists: “children are not allowed to school, but in the case of Demos all the way”
The – in-chief of the German police Union, Bodo Pfalzgraf, looks quite different, however. “The main thing is that we all wear at the hairdresser’s a mask,” etched on the trade-Union boss on Twitter is critical in the direction of the SPD interior Senator hostage. He wanted to know from him whether the distance rules today are exposed to. The “Berliner Zeitung” said the count Palatine: “Our children still not in school, but in the case of such a Demos watch all the way. But no one listens to the rules, if such examples do school. The Corona-rules will help only if you apply for all of them.“
The Federal Chairman of the German police Union (DPolG), Rainer Wendt , urged more caution and respect during demonstrations on Saturday. The willingness to adhere to the distance rules, was “not discernible,” said Wendt of the Newspapers of the Funke media group. “Most of the Participants did not adhere to the distance rules.” dpa/Martin Schutt/eg/dpabild The Federal Chairman of the German police Union, Rainer Wendt.
Munich beer garden-host: “Merkel’s Corona-presets are no longer hold to”
And also in the beer country Bavaria, the criticism of the sales are harmful to the corona grows rules. “We are surprised that the rule violations are not punished on the Demos, while you pull us to the beer gardens in the case of violations, immediately to the responsibility”, writes Markus Huber, operator of the Franciscan garden in Munich in the district of Trudering in an interview with FOCUS Online.
Huber’s the beer garden offers usually 1800 guests. The distance rules between the tables to adhere to, he had to reduce the number to 500. The fencing for the beer garden and the inlet controls and the Register of the guests at the entrance to trust in many customer rejection. “I hope that everything is completed as quickly as possible,” said Huber. the “And in the light of the rule violations in the case of the Demos, I don’t think Merkel’s guidelines still hold.”
In the same score skin in Bavaria, the FDP-land-in-chief Daniel Föst . The Opening of the Licensed premises may not “be postponed due to the Corona-crisis on the day of a blue moon””thousands of Local people don’t stand in front of the bankruptcy, Thousands of Employees will know how to make ends meet”. “With clear protective and hygiene regulations, we are able to open the controlled Local, pubs and Bars, and thus from the threat of Bankruptcy to save”, so Föst. Conceivable intake limits, counter prohibitions, a limited stay for visitors, limited opening Hours and distance regulations are, for example.
Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central picture/dpa, On the Alexanderplatz in Berlin had 15,000 people gathered in All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.
pissed Hotelier John Lohmeyer from Dresden, the boss of the local tourism Association. “As the head of an extremely due to the Corona limited company and as a citizen, must hang before shopping in Lidl, a rag in front of the mouth, I feel just after line and thread screwed!”, Lohmeyer said the “image”.
The images of the weekend-Demos, where thousands are often without mouth protection tightly together, pushed, angered to the gym-operator Angelika Hellstern from Villingen-Schwenningen: “I was stunned when I saw the Demo pictures.” Because: “We operators of fitness studios with the rules and restrictions, on the other hand, the people keep the rules,” she said of the “image”.
The 30-year-old Deputy SPD party Chairman Kevin Kühnert has defended the nationwide demonstrations against racism from the weekend, although in many places the in the Corona-crisis applicable spacing rules have not been complied with. “I think it’s inappropriate, the right to demonstrate limit. This may not be the answer to a pandemic,” said Kühnert on Monday in the program “early start”. dpa/Michael Kappeler/dpa Kevin Kühnert (SPD)
Merkel: “The policy decisions we make,”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had not shown at the end of last week, concerned that some citizens take the rules of behavior in the Corona of a pandemic seriously. “I’m restless, if, for example, people no longer believe, we need the distance measures. We need,” Merkel said in the ZDF-show “What now, Mrs Merkel?”. To wear face masks in situations where the distance rules are not adhered to, could be absolutely necessary. “This will remain so, as long as we have no vaccine and no medication have.”
Merkel had dampened in the discussion of expectations in the fast development of Corona vaccine. Under a year to 18 months of nothing to do, said the experts. The Tests and trials should not be shortened so that new damage would be.
here you can read everything on the case of George Floyd in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Trump without a mask on the go: factory Corona Test-a cotton swab dispose of PCP Trump without a mask on the go: factory needs to Corona-Test-swab to dispose of “You’re a bastard!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant fishing bad FOCUS Online/Wochit “You’re a bastard!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant-fishing evil