Prior to his candidacy in the General election in 2017 for the SPD, Martin Schulz, was one of the best-known German faces in the EU Parliament. His passion for the European Union has also done the lost battle for the chancellorship is no crash.

In the Corona-crisis Schulz sees great potential, as the European Union, intense together, as he tells in the interview with “t-online”. The allegations he makes, however, German Chancellor Angela Merkel for their actions during the crisis.

“No one else would get away Scot-free – only Merkel”

Raised as to whether the crisis, Angela Merkel would be a good opportunity, the requirement Macrons for “more Europe” -to Think of giving in to respond Schulz with sharp criticism: “you know, Angela Merkel. Needs, always be a disaster until she realizes something,” said Schulz in an Interview.

the Parallel he draws to Merkel’s action during the reactor disaster in Fukushima and the wave of refugees 2015: “Fukushima had to explode in order to be the climate Chancellor. There had to be a migration crisis, so that we can finally regulate the integration policy in Germany. Now the Corona-crisis is here – and all of a sudden, it calls for stronger European Integration. No other head of government in the world would this eternal delay policy to get off Scot-free – only Mrs Merkel.”

“Merkel and Macron, the laurels rack up a”

Although Merkel was in the current Corona-crisis-intensive, Schulz throws her a “better late than never”-before the procedure. In addition, the Finance Ministers of the two countries, Bruno Le Maire, and Olaf Scholz, to the reconstruction Fund-Plan were actually responsible. “Merkel and Macron rack now only the laurels. And at the end of the European Hilsfprogramm is then called “Merkel-Bond,” says Schulz.

Despite the criticism of the Chancellor Schulz also sees a Positive in the efforts of the countries, such a Fund is set up. “Alone, that there is a joint proposal by these two countries, the 50 percent of the economic reach of the Euro-Zone, is a very good message.”

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