If the “New York Times” has reported in the past few years, changes over Gütersloh, then it went to Bertelsmann. One of the world’s largest media company has its seat, maintains but also in New York Central.

operation But, given the massive Corona outbreak in gütersloh Battle Tönnies, the nearly 100,000-strong city is in for the past few days, even international headlines.

Local Corona outbreaks in Germany

Of the approximately 7000 tested employees of the slaughtering plant have been tested more than 1550 a positive effect on the Coronavirus. All the employees were put under quarantine, schools and nurseries in the circuit is closed.

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, has decided a Lockdown for two counties. In other Parts of Germany there was more of a Corona-flock:

  • In the Berlin district of Neukölln were set after an outbreak of 370 households under quarantine, so far, nearly 100 residents have been tested positive.
  • In Göttingen, was sealed off a high-rise complex, around 120 people from the house are infected.
  • made the headlines even larger outbreaks after Church services.

Such local accumulation points of infection, also called a Cluster, not only in Germany. While almost all countries in Europe to relax its measures, it comes in many Parts of the continent to such a Cluster of events, mostly within families, in workplaces or restaurants.

Lockdown in Wales after the outbreak in a poultry factory

In Wales have been tested in a poultry factory in Anglesey for the weekend of 158 workers, a positive effect on the Coronavirus.

here will advise on a local Lockdown, in factories in Yorkshire and Wrexham have also been tested a number of employees, a positive effect on the Coronavirus.

“If we start within the company, to relax the measures, then such a Cluster can be happen in outbreaks, and we expect”, it was said by the health authority in Wales.

More than 70 employees in Vienna post center positive

In an Austrian nursing home in Liesing died in the first two weeks of June, six residents with severe pre-existing conditions to the consequences of a Coronavirus infection. In may, the package centres in Vienna and lower Austria were tested in Post-more than 70 employees in a positive way, so that the Federal army had to step in.

And after a Meeting of the members of the Rotary Clubs in the old town of Salzburg just over a week, 14 participants have been positive for the Coronavirus tested hundreds of contact persons were and are determined and tested.

In Israel, decreed by the government already in an early Phase of the pandemic, a nationwide Lockdown, put even the domestic intelligence service, to fight the Virus. With success: The number of cases remained relatively low, in the middle of may, many of the rules were then loosened abruptly.

a Second wave of fear

But now the country is afraid in the face of 300 new infections per day, a second wave. Especially in schools the infection are increased in numbers significantly – to around 200 of the 500 schools in the country are tight.

Peter Klimek conducts research at the Medical University of Vienna on Complexity Science HUB and is part of a team of scientists, which advises the Austrian government in the Wake of the Corona pandemic. He says: When all of a sudden and the resulting increase in infection numbers, it is the nature of the Cluster. “If the smaller groups are, then this is not worrying, because I can keep track of the contacts, then.”

“Then the return is tracking a cluster more difficult,”

it is a Different situation, if, for example, in the aftermath of a major event more frequently infections occur. “If now, in the case of a major event, a Cluster occurs, the processing and tracking of a cluster, of course, much more difficult,” says the expert.

It make a difference whether the cases come from a single Cluster, where the chains of Infection can be traced, says Klimek. “Or if there are 50 cases, all of which are passed independently of each other in other Parts of the country because of the symptoms to the doctor.”

scenario for Lockdown in the whole country

If within a short period of time a number of hard to back track at the end of a Cluster would occur, then this could be sufficient to lead a whole country in Lockdown.

The most important measures in the case of such local outbreaks of the four Ts, says Klimek: Tracking, Tracing, Testing, and Treatment be.

contacts of Infected would have to be quickly tracked, Infected, isolated and treated and the environment of the Affected are tested. If it works well, could be kept local outbreaks under control, says the expert.

Israel as a warning example

doesn’t seem to be enough always, the four Ts, if you look at the infection to happen in Europe and Israel. In Bulgaria, the government takes the mask duty: From 23. June must be worn in shopping malls, shops, cinemas and theatres, a nose and mouth protection, after the mask duty had been repealed in mid-June. However, rising Infection in the past few days the government have led to the step.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned the population numbers in the face of rising Infection. “If we do not change to keep our behavior in terms of masks and Distance, we will bring in – against our will – the shutdown,“ he said. Single quarter, in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa were already on lockdown, as well as two Bedouin communities in the South of the country.

“Mix of measures” is needed

In Luxembourg, the government is trying, however, with nationwide testing of the entire population, a second Corona to prevent wave. For the 600,000 inhabitants of the country, as well as the 300,000 cross-border workers in groups to identify divided to be alternately and regularly tested – to new chains of Infection immediately and can interrupt.

Which in addition to the four Ts measures in force to prevent such an outbreak occurring at the end or the existing outbreaks to quickly contain, is different from country to country, says researcher Peter Klimek. “There is not the Jack of all trades, measures that will be alone this come. Quite the contrary: This is a Mix of measures.”

it is Important for each Mix of activities, the compliance with the spacing and hygiene regulations and the restriction of contacts to be.

the School – and gastronomy-closures, one can see in retrospect that they would have had a clear effect. This includes face masks included. The earlier the measures would be used in the next outbreaks, the more effective you are, so the researchers are.

author: Rachel Klein

More news on the topic of Coronavirus

  • While the figures in other countries, the case – and death rise dramatically, turning everything to the next loosening. However, many experts warn of a new wave of Infection in the autumn. Are we prepared for it, or we will drive our lead in the pandemic, just against the wall?
  • 1550 detection of the Coronavirus-infected slaughterhouse employees in the district of Gütersloh, Germany provide the first local Lockdown – back, but clearly too late, writes virologist, Friedemann Weber. What that means for the risk of a second Republic-wide lock downs.
  • After the scandal in the Tönnies-Slaughterhouse, there is now a further Corona-the outbreak: This Time, a Wiesenhof is affected operation.

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*The post “What to do against local Corona outbreaks?” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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