Since the age of 18 may not run again, all the shops and economic activities, education facilities of any kind, however, are still in the process and will only start again in September. We are very concerned about the conspiracy theories and violent demonstrations that are not reported only from Germany.

Corona is not a flu comparable to

The fits not to our experiences. Of course, it is important that information is factual and not to instill fear, making and to promote proper communication. But this Virus to compare with a mild flu, is an insult to all those dead.

I know that in Bergamo in March of this year, already been 729 Deaths (as of 21. May) gave. In the previous year, there were 141 Deaths, in San Pellegrino Terme, not far from here, it was this year, 42 Deaths, compared to 2 in the comparable period of the previous year.

Slight fluctuations are possible, but not something like what happened this year. And those who were sick and they recover, speaking of one ordeal. All take at least 10 kilos, and the recovery took up to 2 months. About the author

Ursula Green studied at the FH Düsseldorf with the degree of Dipl. Social pedagogue (1987). Since November 1991, she lives in Torre Boldone (Val Seriana) in Bergamo / Italy, is married and has two adult children. Since 1996, the work center Giocotutto-Spazio insieme, and in cooperation with other educational institutions of the city of Bergamo, in-service training programs for parents, teachers and educators in the pedagogical literature and pedagogical area. In the journal of the educational institution: “zeroseiup” and in the professional newspaper “Contatto” A. I. M. I. is responsible for a section reserved for children-and youth literature.

We still know nothing of the appearances of the result. My neighbor, who was also ill with a Virus, mid 40’s and previously healthy, non-Smoking, he now has a scarred lung. He can be described as a cured, but we do not know how the consequences will be.

He was also almost 2 months sick, probably he was from a colleague plugged in, the also said that the precautions were excessive, it would be, but anyway just a slight flu. Something was also said here at the beginning of the epidemic. Another neighbor from a previous job, he was healthy at the beginning of Fifties, the father of two minor children, are his parents, and a few days later, he died.

In a family in a few days, three Dead. In the case of mild flu complications occur before, but not in such a concentrated Die.

allegations made by the Corona-deniers (and in particular of Dr. Eifler) can be described as cynical and socially very dangerous. Here, 150 Doctors have died, a lot of care staff, and many are not seriously ill, all of this happened in the case of a “mild flu”.

For the error Trade to take the responsibility

Certainly, there are also mistakes that were made, but were made because we were faced with an extraordinary Situation, and was not detected immediately. Also, it is important to determine who is responsible. Too many have not believed, it is so bad.

Now we are already glad that there are still more Deaths. But, as all here know, many Deaths are not even counted. The mayor here, assume that the real number is more than twice as high as the official Figures.

The home of deceased people and in old people’s homes have never been tested and do not appear in the Covid-19 statistics.

Germany was lucky that the Virus came later, they were better prepared, thanks to the information passed from Italy and for sure it has worked well in Germany. The strong the rich and the health system has contributed a piece, and many of the Patients were younger than those in Italy. But as the examples show, many Young and Healthy became ill and died.

again, the statements of Mr. Eifler me indignant extremely, and now I understand why I keep reading the assertion that it is only the Old, or those who were already sick (cynical statement, as a German, you should be very careful of such we had been, they said, the Old and the Sick can die).

another issue is the question of democratic rights and the Information. Since we are all very concerned and we have to be careful that the democracy will not be damaged. Hazards are absolutely visible, and in countries such as Hungary already occurred.

The important work of mourning

In the future be given other tasks to us, such as the work of mourning. The company has not regarded it as a natural topic to talk about death and disease and now adults and children have been to face this question, as no one could expect.

the first signs of a reappraisal of this issue and is now being considered only in the first place. Many children have lost parents, relatives and not a few parents. Many have seen parents very sick for a long time weak.

Here is hardly a family came away without losses. Is still spoken, especially about the economy, but the mental and emotional health of a society is a prerequisite.

we Will be in the future, our responsibility towards the nature, the new beginning really changes in life and consumer behavior of people bring.

The opinions here and it will be necessary to work on a quality of life and not the quantity. There are many dedicated people who want to this and it is in all of our hands to deal with.

Actually, I wanted to write of my concern for the Situation in the schools, the growing cultural poverty and the gap between the society and from my point of view, not only for Italy, but the Video Interview with Dr. Peer Eifler has taken all of my thoughts.

Restaurants may re-open: A Trend continues now by PCP Restaurants may re-open: A Trend continues now through Bergamo-professional Gosens: “Not with the dog on the street dared to” PCP Bergamo-professional Gosens: “Not with the dog on the street, married”

*The article “A report from Bergamo in Northern Italy,” will be published by The European. Contact with the executives here.