The question of the organisation of teaching in the Corona-times moved to Germany. There are proposals for the new school year – but bring some problems.

The debate over the teaching in the Corona-times* accompanied the pandemic in weeks. In the meantime, the focus is on the new school year. There are several suggestions for how the classroom should be offered to all students. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Munich – The Head of the conference of Ministers of education, Stefanie Hubig (SPD), holds a return to the normal operation of the school after the summer holidays possible. However, the President of the German teachers ‘ Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger. takes issue with the policy, the upcoming school year to prepare for just inadequate .

“The Problem is that we are currently between two Alternatives. We rely fully on it, that there is again a full port the schools? Or it continues with the shift mode in schools?“, Meidinger said. “I see at the Moment is a paralysis rigid , in which the policy is prepared, neither the one nor the other properly.”

schools in Corona-crisis: lessons will be offered after the summer holidays, back in normal operation

Bavaria’s Ministry of culture said that it is “of course” as the goal, in the new school year, the returned to teaching in the rule operation to offer. “Since the beginning of the school year in Bavaria is still three months before the us and the infection is done dynamically , you will see, what are the hygiene measures of protection in September, will be required.”

Up to the summer holidays in Bavaria there is a alternating between Homeschooling and teaching at the school with the half of the class. So the whole class can be taught in compliance with the spacing rules, there are several ideas that should be explained.

+ High-level visits: Markus Söder and Minister Michael Piazolo (R) in the Munich Church school.©dpa / Peter Kneffel

Coronavirus and the classroom: Container or sports halls fallback

Larger class rooms: the Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) calls for emergency Container to set up. In addition, there are plans to sports halls in large classrooms remodel or additional rooms to rent. Walter Baier, chief of the Director of the Association of Bavarian grammar schools, does not mean that space for such a large Container he had on his school grounds. Rooms would have to be at least 100 square feet in size , an average class best to accommodate with distance.

“It’s more of a personal issue ,” said Baier to the BR. As a teacher, belong to a risk group, are exempt from active service, there was a “schools, there is a lack of up to 20 per cent of the teachers,” says Baier. Bayern eleven percent of the teachers are freed from the classroom .

Coronavirus in Bavaria: dispute over mask compulsory for students

mask mandatory: teacher’s Association-President of Meidinger calls for a mask obligatory* for students in the classroom . The Head of the German philologists Association, Susanne Lin-Klitzing, rejects the towards the world: “Thus, the core is torpedoed each instruction: instruction is based on clear communication .”

fresh air: Of Pulmonary medicine Thomas Voshaar, a consultant of the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, advises: “Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate. It is best to all the window and doors . Because more than 80 percent of the infections is transmitted via aerosols , and you get the Air out of the rooms.“

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.