Willi Weitzel: The neighbors barbecue, you smell the sausages. How are you then?

Elias Erdmann: , We also want to get to grilling, only the are mainly vegetarian stuff. And for me, even vegan. There is also a pair of sausages lying on the Grill, but it is significantly less than in the past.

Georg Erdmann: It smells delicious! But as our neighbors have in the spring, attached grill, I was not after meat. That would have been half a year ago, in a different way.

Jonathan Erdmann: Funny, dad, me too. The mind says that Less meat is better for the climate and the environment – but also the desire has waned.

Hannah Erdmann: My friend and I have recently grilled. We had inserted the Zucchini and the eggplant, there was grilled cheese and Baguette – and we did not miss anything.

Willi: George, how it came to be that you’ve changed your attitude?

George: I eat less meat, but it still happens, especially when we go out for dinner. The has developed. I have kept longest on the consumption of meat. Renate cooks for a long time vegetarian, and this is delicious! Since I missed out on nothing. And then the discussions with our children came up. The have gotten me thinking.

Willi: There are different reasons for not eating meat. What do you have?

Jonathan: I want to protect the climate and the environment, and something for my health do. In front of a three quarters of a year I read the book “The nutritional compass” by Bas Kast. We found all in the family interesting. And one of his statements is: meat is one of the most unhealthy food.

Elijah: I live for the past nine months, vegan for three reasons: health, climate and animal husbandry. With friends, I’ve seen a documentary on Youtube, that’s when it started. My family is professionally very in the health area, their Knowledge has also contributed to my decision. And my little brother is even involved in Fridays for the Future.

Jonathan: Small, haha!

Willi: What is the topic of animal husbandry has moved you the most?

Elijah: the images of The cattle, which are driven with electric shock by the slaughterhouse.

Willi: I’ve read “A brief history of humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari. The also speaks of the “enslavement of animals”…

Elijah: I am! Many consider themselves to be animal-friendly, because you have a cat or a dog. At the same time you get the BBQ meat from discounters. I can shake only with the head.

Willi: Renate and Georg, you are both physiotherapists. Are people who eat no meat, healthier?

Renate Erdmann: I specialize in infant and children’s treatment, since it is obviously too early . . .

George: My patients are older. The people with a big belly, come to me in the practice, are not vegetarians . . . Renate: but That is probably not only due to the meat-free diet, but the fact that vegetarian people are more than other on your health care.

Willi: Can you remember your last piece of meat, Renate, remember?

Renate: Clear, Christmas. I’m tasting it from time to time in Georg from the plate. But it happens less and less frequently.

Willi: Christmas! There are festivals, which for many families is meat on the table. As is the situation with you?

George: Before Christmas we had discussions. This went on for weeks. I felt like a duck! This is our traditional family dinner on Christmas eve. In the end I bought two ducks in the health food store.

“I was pleased that the debate over eating meat actually came into existence”

Elijah: I was glad that this discussion came into being at all, and that my opinion was heard. I could understand the part of the family, hanging on to Tradition. Just on holidays.

Willi: Hannah, you study medicine. If you look at your fellow students – that does what?

Hannah: My friends feed very aware of, but surrounds itself with like-minded people. He who eats meat, is in the minority.

Willi: do you have any friends that eat meat?

Hannah: no, nonsense!

Willi: How consistent are you?

Hannah: Very, the last exception is the duck of Christmas was. My friend is still consistent. For him, the climate aspect was ausschlagend. First, he has reduced his meat consumption, but then quickly realized It also goes without. Now he is even the driving force in us.

Willi: Immanuel, also you will have to study medicine. You need to Ensure that your family is lacking nutrients – especially Elias, the Vegans?

Immanuel : no, it is well known that we need Vitamin B 12, and that is of course to get only about meat or milk. The need to replace Elias, if his memory are exhausted. The last about three years. Then he could use a toothpaste, the Vitamin B is added to 12. Other theses, the languages used against veganism, are refuted. For example, iron in meat is important. It is true that a lot of iron is in meat. But this animal iron can even make you sick. Vegetable iron is better!

Willi: health, animal welfare, climate change – good arguments. Nevertheless, we eat in Germany per head of about 60 pounds of meat in a year. How do you convince meat-eaters?

George: By you is self-confident and it shows. The more you criticise people, the more petulant you are. So it was with me. Then I saw in the family: Hey, it goes well with less meat! And already makes me the neighbor’s BBQ as a year ago.

Willi: one protester as vegetarians a kind of Duration?

Jonathan: Yes, whether you like it or not. To me, people always think they have to justify. Although I have never hinted that they are doing something wrong. I always say: Eat what you want. Many do not know, but that meat can be unhealthy.

Willi: There are the tastes of Childhood. For me, it is the red Stracke from Hessen, mmh! I don’t live in Bavaria, there are the. Should I now lead my children in the first temptation, to long later, never to sausage – like me?

Elijah: I wouldn’t do That. I’ve heard that complete veganism is detrimental to children. But make sure that your children get only one Time the week of the sausage. Then you are in the cycle that you have always desire.

“The Demand for meat, less

Willi: Immanuel, if you pull as a Student in the evenings at weekends to the homes and lands at the kebab stand”. . .

Immanuel The Desire became less. And through my friends I have more of a positive reinforcement. A friend stopped me the other day even, to be a relapse. This made me very happy.

Willi: Are you waking up ever morning and have thought: Oh, what have I done? Why haven’t I eaten this Salami?

Elijah: Easter, a friend gave me an Easter Bunny. Of course, chocolate, so not vegan. Something refuse, I find stupid. This is rude. I have also eaten. Courtesy goes beyond veganism. The next day, it still does not feel so great, and questioning himself. It could have been put to the shelf . . .

Jonathan: I’ve offered to eat it for you!

Immanuel : My girlfriend eats at her parents ‘ meat, and I think it’s important that we find a proper level. You will never see me on it! We cook at home a lot and try out vegan and vegetarian dishes. Many of them are so delicious that we make them again. Thus, they supported me. It’s a lot more than if she just holds in her parents everything.

George: The way I see it. And meat can be a treat. But if you are, then please from the health food store.

Elijah: I accept it when others eat meat. The vegan way is better in my opinion, but the need to find the people for themselves.

*The contribution of “Less meat. Or none at all” is published by Chrismon. Contact with the executives here.
