After a first vote Wednesday night, and a sprint of less than a week marked by bitter debates, the national Assembly adopted in second reading the draft law on bioethics and its flagship measure of the opening of the LDCS to all women, in the night from Friday to Saturday. The first great reform social of the quinquennium, the text, looked at from Monday, has been voted by 60 votes to 37, with 4 abstentions, under the applause of the majority. It still needs ironing before the Senate, may not be prior to January 2021, before members of both chambers will attempt to find a compromise version.

In a tweet, Emmanuel Macron welcomed “the commitment of parliamentarians, members of government and of the national consultative ethics committee,” which, according to him, ” have enabled the adoption of a balanced text, in a discussion appeased “.

” It is a reform long awaited by our fellow citizens “, a “balanced text, “with” major advances “, said the secretary of State Adrien Cleat at 3: 40 in the morning. In addition to the emblematic measure of the opening of the LDCS to lesbian couples and single women, the bill provides for a delicate reform of the filiation and the access to origins, and addresses a number of complex topics such as the self-conservation of oocytes or research on embryonic stem cells.

Read also The real costs of the LDCS in France

“Stop” LDCS “

As in the first reading, the text has ruffled a very large part of the right LR, wind standing against the creation of ” children without fathers “, seeing it as ” one more step toward the GPA “, surrogacy. As an ultimate blow of pressure, the Manif for all has released on Friday morning, two bouquets of balloons in front of the Palais-Bourbon bearing the inscription “Stop” LDCS “. In the night, the collective has blasted the vote “on the sly” from this text, and was assured that his “determination” remained “intact” for the challenge.

conversely, for the president of the association LGBT GayLib and a member of the radical movement, Catherine Michaud, this text is a ” historic advance for the rights and freedom of women.” In his eyes, the law does not, however, is ” not completed. It’s unfortunate that trans people have been excluded “from the LDCS, or the existence of a” mode of filiation specific ” for the female couples. In all the political groups, the freedom to vote was to put on these subjects which touch the intimate, and have raised questions beyond party lines.

Read also The covert battle of the LDCS

a leading Measure, the LDCS and for all promised by Emmanuel Macron has been validated on Wednesday evening without incident, as on first reading it was nine months. Other measures have further divided the majority. The government had also attempted to take the lead, calling on Walkers to respect the “balance” of the text voted in the first reading, when some elected officials wanted to go further. Despite internal disagreements, the executive has often been heard on sensitive measures and were figure of the “red lines” for the right-wing opposition.


nonetheless, It has been beaten on some provisions. Against his advice, the Assembly voted Thursday, by a vote very close to that of the children born of a donation of gametes before the bill can also take advantage of the new access device to the origins proposed in this text. Also against the recommendations of the government, the deputies want to help parents who wish to have access to the data “non-identifying” (age, physical characteristics…) of the donor before the majority of their children. Deputies had anticipated a review “a little more rock’ n ‘roll” that on first reading, with some LREM wanting only “let go” and the exam schedule at the end of the session.

also Read Phoebe Tomorrow, all babies in test tubes ? Law of bioethics : these points, which could disrupt our company

leader of the majority group on this text, Aurore BergĂ© has estimated, from the Agence France-Presse, that “the debates have managed to keep the height of view” in the initial stage. On a ” ridge line “, ” we have found and maintained a balance of ethics, that it is the recognition of children born abroad to GPA, or the opening of the LDCS and for all but not post-mortem “, she stressed. The Assembly also rejected the technique of ROPA, is the donation of oocytes within a couple of women for a PMA, despite the advocacy of the co-rapporteur, Jean-Louis Touraine (LREM).

The left and elected representatives of the majority have attempted in vain to “remove discrimination” suffered by homosexuals who want to give their blood, but must observe a period of sexual abstinence of four months. The minister of Health Olivier Veran has taken the commitment to move forward by “regulation” on this topic.

writing will advise you

Philippe Sollers : “The faribole heterosexual classic is exploding” the Law of bioethics : these points, which could disrupt our society, ” The political ecology refuses to progress “