Laurent Joffrin has decided to switch to the higher speed. The former journalist and the movement of his call to “Commit” have released a press release with the evocative title Monday : “Macron, the second five-year term of Sarkozy. “” We’re talking about a team Castex. It would tell a government to Sarkozy “, tackle Laurent Joffrin, who shall include the Prime minister, “elected LR” and ” former collaborator of Sarkozy at the Elysée palace “.

Read also Jean Castex, first roped to the rural

The former director of Liberation explains that Jean Castex, is ” an executor of the will élyséenne “, as François Fillon in 2007 ; that the minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin is a “faithful” of the former president ; or that the ” right of the macronie holds three key positions, Matignon, paris Bercy, and Beauvau “. According to this close to François Hollande, the resemblance between the five-year terms Sarkozy and Macron ” hits : a few reforms, opening to the right, returns to the cookie-cutter, which puts the French, a major crisis that must be managed as well as could be and a end of the term chaotic in the sign of disgrace “.

also Read Government Castex : Gérald Darmanin, a sarkozyste on the Inside

“that should simplify things” to the left, which will be “the always right in front of it” in the presidential election of 2022, “says Laurent Joffrin –” if we occupy the political space that widens every day between the Green and running ! “. The call to “Commit” that it was launched at the end of July for a “recomposition” of the left, originally signed by 130 civil society figures, and who claims to now 2 500 supporters, formed an association which will meet on 31 August, said Laurent Joffrin in the Agence France-Presse.

writing will advise you

Michel Richard – Jean Castex, the casting of a focus Castex, the man who has captivated the social partners Sébastien Le Fol – In the shadow of the Walkers in tears right in the face of the case Darmanin