It’s only been a few days since Donald Trump announced to hold country-wide protests to the death of George Floyd, if necessary, by the aid of the military under control. Since then, an Outcry in the States. Not only Ex-generals, former Confidante and senior figures from the party positioned themselves against Trump.

  • read also: Ex-generals and high-ranking Republicans: The open revolt against Donald Trump

That big names in the Republican party, as Colin Powell or George W. Bush against him, strengthened in the last few months, already evident tendency: The consent Trumps values in the population fall off dramatically. To win back popularity, must Trump work on his performance skills and his empathy.

it is reported, in a Desperate attempt, the empathy increase in

And how “CNN”, has worked in the White house in the days since George Floyd’s death is precisely. Close advisers have told the President stories of friends who were faced with racism, in order to increase his empathy for the subject. You should have proposed to the President to meet with well-known African-American advocates.

Also of many Democrats excited police reforms had been brought to the language. Even a Meeting with law enforcement officials, who put the President suggests that certain aspects of the current police could work well to change, it should have been given.

“Law and Order” Instead of racism-debate

so far, The results from these measures, but only skimmed. In relation to a possible Reform of the police Trump is now open for discussions and ready to support some of the proposed measures. His attitude to the country-wide protests, however, should be hardened unchanged.

  • All News and information about the protests you read in the News Ticker

So Trump showed no large interest in it, to deal with the issue of systematic racism in his own country, really. Instead, he took the attitude that the police in the USA have no Problem of racism. His “Law and Order”message, and the message he shared at the beginning of the demonstrations on Twitter, I always was.

“Trump is not just compassionate,”

Meanwhile, some seem to have of trump’s advisors abandoned hope of converting their President. “CNN” reported by two Familiar Trumps, the be of the opinion that the President had acted in dealing with the protests wrong. At the same time, you talk to him the competence, this rowing through words once again turn things around. “A speech without real compassion would not help. He’s just not really compassionate“, is one of the consultants quoted.

The low empathy Trumps the case of Martin Gugino shows. The 75-Year-old was met with protests in Buffalo by a police officer to the ground and suffered serious head injuries. The Videos show the incident. Trump’s response: Via Twitter, he wrote, Gugino could be a “Antifa-provocateur” and accused him to have tried, the police-to intercept communications. In respect of his injuries, Trump added: “He fell harder than he was pushed. Could this be a trap?“

Not to be America, but Trump first

trump’s main concern in the debate, it seems, first, to show no weakness – an attitude that leaves little room for compassion. “Trump was not an appropriate word, but poured Oil into the fire of public anger,” writes USA-expert Thomas hunter, in a guest post for FOCUS Online about Trumps crisis management. His way of thinking have turned away in these times of his choice of spell from the year 2016: “America first, but Trump first.”

  • The entire post of FOCUS Online expert Thomas hunter, you will not find here

It is the first Outcry of this kind, which rises against the attitude of the President to the country critically eyed subjects. Has long been his handling of the Coronavirus is made of a pandemic of scientists from all over the world in question.

Poor communication in the Corona-crisis

The USA is the most from the Virus affected country in the world. More than 100,000 deaths speak for themselves. Here, too, Trump proved his self-centeredness, again, a lack of empathy. He boasted in himself, like many Americans, he was saved by his Actions prior to the death – and shot with a preference sharply against China.

  • All News and information on the Coronavirus pandemic, you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online

Confused treatment ideas, such as the Drinking of disinfectants on the handling of the crown. More questionable reactions, as in the case of George Floyd and related demonstrations, more and more citizens of the United States not only in the Crisis readiness of the President to doubt, but also on the understanding of the problems of its solid group of voters in addition to persons.

Trumps survey values

fall show to-date surveys of how dramatically the President, the votes come off. Trumps rival to the presidency, Joe Biden was at the beginning of April with just under six percentage points ahead of Trump, has increased his lead, according to one among registered voters, conducted Live telephone survey now to 10 per cent.

  • All News and information about the upcoming election in the USA, you can read in the News Ticker

Especially in the case of the female voters Trump falls back currently far. After an evaluation of the “New York Times” is the Trump here, some 25 percentage points behind Biden. For comparison: In the presidential election of 2016, Trump had only a deficit of 14 percent. In the case of the votes of the White Biden has reduced his deficit to Trump from eleven to five per cent.

Biden shows exactly what Trump is missing

trump’s transgressions are, therefore, currently, Biden’s happiness. The candidate of the Democrats was not considered in the selection process for a long time as undisputed, has not taken care of in advance of the Corona-crisis just for the euphoria in the population. Recently it had become quiet around him. Now it is made to him, however slightly. While Trump threatened the protesters with the military, showed Biden exactly what is agreed Trump of his advisors: compassion. Reuters/Susan Walsh/AP/dpa Joe Biden, President-designate of the presidential candidate of the Democrats and a former Vice-President of the United States.

The 77-Year-old travelled, for example, to Houston, spoke with members of the family of the late George Floyd and took an emotional, personal message that was played at a memorial service to honor Floyd’s. “Now is the time for justice for all races,” the news Agency quoted AFP from the Embassy.

Economic recovery could promise Trumps last Chance

The former Deputy of the first black U.S. President, Barack Obama, the Problem of deep-rooted racism in the country to address resolutely. Prior to the case, Floyd Biden empathy had made a Central pillar of its policy. This is many people important to Floyd’s shocking death. And there is a clear distinction to Trump the words of sympathy is known to be hard on the lips go.

However, the election is still almost five months. “No one can know for sure which topics will then move the minds of the public. Five months ago, one of the Corona, unemployment, and racism on the note of the key electoral issues had to,“ FOCUS-Online to consider expert Thomas hunter.

trump’s big Chance in terms of his re-election, according to hunters, particularly in the economic area: “If the American economy is like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of self-inflicted economic crisis, then other groups of voters are again within his reach. Because they have also co-sponsored in the last three years, many of the antics and social destruction, because the economy was buzzing. At your trump is the choice of fate depends.“

rival Joe Biden in the “Pole Position”

Biden, is now in the “Pole Position” in the presidential race. The New York Times has even called it the strongest Position, to displace a sitting President since Bill Clinton in the summer of 1992. Five months are a long time. The past teaches that in this time any voters mood in the United States, again, can tilt.


Trump, Obama and the racism debate: Two images spread like a wild fire, FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump, Obama and the racism debate: Two images spread like a wild fire