Douglas Macgregor is to be the new U.S. Ambassador in Berlin. CNN published an interview statements of the former officer from past years. They give an insight into the political attitude of MacGregor’s – also against Germany.

criticism of German and European immigration policy

The German government has described Macgregor as a “very bizarre”, because they spend more money for “unwanted Muslim invaders” as for the own armed forces. In a radio interview, in 2016, he said, immigrants would come to Germany “to get the benefit of it to consume, and in the countries of other people to settle down, with the aim of turning Europe into an Islamic state”.

In 2015 published Interview, he lamented that the European Union Muslim refugees at the peak of the migrant crisis “have granted the luxurious and extremely expensive social benefits” and that “these people do not come to assimilate, or to be Europeans – quite the contrary. They come to take everything you can get“.

NS-coping with: “Sick mentality”

Moreover, he criticized the management of the German Nazi history. “There is a kind of sick mentality that says that generations which atone have to over the generations, the sins of what happened in 13 years of German history, and the other 1,500 years of Germany must ignore. And Germany played in Central Europe has a crucial role in the defence of serving the Western civilization. I think so, that’s, that’s the Problem,” said Macgregor 2018.

“first responders” United States provides defense for Germany

Macgregor was always a proponent of a withdrawal of US troops from Germany. He said in 2018, “Germany feel, thanks to us not the obligation, to defend itself”. And in 2019 he:

said, “If the Germans want to prevail as the great power, which they are, then one of the first steps in this direction is to change our relationship to Germany in terms of military Power. You make clear to them that we are not the first responders.“

Macgregor is on a line with US President Donald Trump. He had recently shot, nearly 12,000 soldiers from German bases to be deducted. The decision was criticized by officers from Republicans, Democrats and high-ranking former Military, with the justification that this step would benefit Russia.

support from the White house, criticism from the Senate

According to Judd Deere, spokesman for the White house, was qualified Macgregor “enormously,” to accept the post of Ambassador. He has specialist knowledge of the German history and language. He was about to be exercised during the Cold war, his military service in Germany. The 73-year-old Macgregor served until 2004 the US military.

In the Senate, will be criticized by MacGregor’s nomination, sharply, led by Bob Menendez. The democratic Senator is a member of the Senate Committee on foreign relations, oversees the nomination MacGregor’s. The appointment of the Ambassador by the President, is subject to the confirmation by the Senate. “Colonel MacGregor’s public Statements over the years about immigration, Muslims and our relationship with Germany should have him disqualified for any government office, let alone to represent the United States as Ambassador,” said Menendez on CNN.

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