today, We must talk Tomorrow about Russia. The end of the Putin Era casts its shadow:
- The economic strength of the country has developed unfavorably. Since the Russian annexation of the Crimea in 2014, and the sanctions of the EU and the USA, the annual economic growth, with the exception of 2018 has remained under two percent. In the second quarter of 2020 the country’s GDP even declined by up to ten percent. The state goal, Russia should belong to, by 2030, the five largest economies, is ancient history. The omnipotence fantasies of the President are not covered by the economic situation.
- The poverty in the country has significantly increased. Almost half of all Russians due to the corona crisis, no money in the Bank more. 44.6 per cent of the 145 million inhabitants now live on less than the equivalent of 180 euros a month. Prior to April, the figure was only 14 percent. The Person
Gabor Steingart is one of the most famous journalists in the country. He is editor of the Newsletter “Steingarts Morning Briefing”. The eponymous Podcast is Germany’s leading Daily Podcast for politics and the economy. In the spring of 2020 Steingart moves in with his editorial on the editorial ship “Pioneer One”. Prior to founding Media Pioneer was Steingart Chairman of the Board of management of the Handelsblatt Media Group.
Be free Morning Briefing, you can find here:
Putin-Plan of a modern industrial society is not going to
- The dependency on the raw materials and the trend remains high, and rising. The percentage of extraction of raw materials to the industrial production of the country has grown in the years 2010 to 2018 from 34 percent to 39 percent, while the share of manufacturing from 53 percent to 51 percent. The Putin-Plan of the modern industrial society is not.
Media Pioneer
- The Approval ratings for the President, which, according to the independent Lewada Institute to the best of his times, 89 percent will be forfeited. Only 60 percent of the Russians support him.
read also: Live-Ticker-for-pandemic – Corona-pandemic: 1592 Deaths in the United States on a day – Berlin’s Corona light red
“Putin has the Aura of a powerful man has lost.”
In this controversial situation, since weeks of continuous demonstrations in the ostrussischen city of Khabarovsk, 6000 kilometers from Moscow, and only a stone’s throw of China to act as a beacon. Putin was a popular Governor put in prison, and by a henchman of the Kremlin to replace. Udo Lielischkies, the longtime head of the ARD office in Moscow and a successful book author (“In the shadow of the Kremlin – on-the-Go in Putin’s Russia”), delivers the Morning Briefing Podcast his unsparing analysis: Media Pioneer
“Putin has lost the Aura of a powerful man. He is almost submerged completely, and the governors of this pandemic to manage.”
“Putin has a problem of Legitimacy, this is obvious, and the nervousness in the Kremlin is big.”
“what made Putin a few years ago is still so popular, such as the annexation of the Crimea, has worn off. This no longer works. The people realize now that all this Patriotism makes anyone sick.”
“could the Same book as Putin over the last 20 years everything is Beautiful and Successful on his account, he is now all the Bad credited. That is, if you want to say it cynically, a autocrat’s fate.”
If Putin goes, then he goes quiet
“Eight million people are unemployed, there are no Jobs, and no state aid. The Deal, however, was always: To live poorly, but the state is there to deliver the most Important. But he doesn’t have more power now.”
conclusion: The German Public looks to Washington and Brussels. Meanwhile, have started in the geographically largest country of the earth the tectonic plates to move. If Putin goes, then he goes quiet. Horror of Trump Fans: Couple of carries shopping swastika-masks, FOCUS Online/Wochit/News5 horror of Trump Fans: Couple of carries shopping swastika-masks To increasing Numbers in Germany, Söder “last appeal sent to all of the people Celebrating in a” PCP To increasing Numbers in Germany, Söder send “last call to all Celebrating”