
Anne Pauly

46 years – The novelist is the winner of the prix du livre Inter for Before I forget (Verdier), narration tragi-comedy of the disease and the death of his father.

Pierre Lescure

74-year-old – The ex-CEO of Canal + has been re-elected to the presidency of the Cannes film Festival by the board of directors for a third term, which is valid until 2023.

Brigitte Bourguignon

a 61-year – mp LREM will chair the commission of inquiry on the management by the government of the epidemic of Covid-19. Éric Ciotti (LR) will be the rapporteur.



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Topic directed by Fabien Roland-Lévy and Michel Revol

AFP – PASCAL LE SEGRETAIN/ Jacques Witt/SIPA – Pierrot Patrice/Future Pictures/ABACA – Valerie Vrel/PROVENCE/MAXPPP – SIPA

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