Although Germany has increased its contributions to international development cooperation is significantly and is now the second-largest donor country. Although the Minister of foreign Affairs, such as in Libya, is struggling tirelessly to conflict solutions. In the past week, the world food program reported that nearly ten million people in Syria suffering from Hunger, and the funds are not sufficient to supply you. The United Nations refugee Agency announced a new, sad peak of nearly 80 million Refugees in the world. 2015 is not supposed to repeat? It is repeated already, every day, just not with us. The guest author

Lars Castellucci is since 2013 a member of the German Bundestag. There, he is communities for the SPD’s spokesman for Migration and Integration, responsible for churches and religion, as well as Vice-Chairman. interior policy spokesman of the SPD group in the Bundestag.

European asylum system: the Human, in solidarity, organized

unfortunately, It is realistic to assume that escape will remain a part of human destiny – as our neighbor, perhaps before the war in the former Yugoslavia have fled, our parents may have been expelled from the former German territories in the East, or a great-great-uncle was searching maybe his fortune in America. So you have to learn with the escape deal. Better learn to deal. About the way you hope it would, if this fate would be. This is only possible in international cooperation.

And for us in Germany it is only in Europe. So there needs to be a new start for the Common European asylum system and should the Federal government during the German presidency of the EU Council, which begins today. The SPD group in the Bundestag, has presented a concept, how can it succeed: Human solidarity, sorted.

the Following five concrete points for a European asylum system, this works:

1. Humanity in the first place

In the European asylum and refugee policy must be humanity in the first place. The right to asylum is non-negotiable, the rights and Standards in international treaties and conventions for Refugees must be fully maintained.

The States of the European Union must do everything possible to end the long-lasting unworthy conditions in front of and behind the European borders.

2. Asylum procedures in the EU

the asylum procedure should, in future, be as common European asylum procedure, with comparable criteria for the reception of protection seekers in the entire EU. The European Asylum support office (EASO) should be increased to a proper European asylum Agency, the asylum procedure for all asylum seekers to carry out, the come to Europe.

More staff, and a solidarity-based, so joint financing from the European budget are for this purpose necessary.

3. Short procedure, clear Standards

Our goal is to have a short asylum procedure of a maximum of three months in compliance with European human rights standards, including access to an independent asylum procedure and legal advice. They should be numbers in the open EU asylum centres on European soil with clear Standards-for example, in the maximum occupancy or the maximum duration of stay – performed.

In the distribution of asylum seekers in the member States, family affiliations, and priorities of Protection to be taken into account. The Feedback from people who have no claim to protection, held jointly and directly from the asylum centres. The achievement of open borders within Europe to maintain, we support Frontex for a more effective border management at the external borders.

4. Solidarity in the distribution of

Within the common asylum policy, not to give it a work-piece model that requires all the Same, but history, Strengths, weaknesses and interests of the Partner into account. Solidarity, in particular to the States at the EU external borders, must in the future play a major role. Refugees are to be distributed upon successful completion of asylum proceedings in solidarity to member States who are willing to.

States that do not want to participate, you must make an appropriate material or personnel contribution. So we stop the “blame game” and resolve the Blockade in Europe, how it is managed in an ad-hoc mechanism in the search and rescue and is currently in the evacuation of the overcrowded camps on the Greek Islands already.

5. Integration through cities and communities

the Integration will take place. Cities and municipalities are, therefore, also for the European refugee policy is crucial and must be involved in their development. For local authorities, the voluntary to the reception and Integration of asylum seekers is ready to explain, we want to make money from EU funding instruments and the funding of development projects for the benefit of all people.

By we take into account the preferences of the Incoming and Receiving equally, we create, from the start, good conditions for a successful Integration. Such a policy goes for all, which is our overarching goal.

the concept of the SPD group in the Bundestag shows how it can go

So the cards are on the table. The a want to stop the escape before the gates of Europe. Human rights are secure, the already unstable regions, will be additionally charged. The other to demand “the right to stay for all” or “free choice” – that is, the free choice of the place where you want to live. This will ultimately set the right to asylum on the game, it is important to preserve it.

others are left to stand for political Ideals, such as the solidarity-based distribution of Refugees all member States of the European Union. It would be desirable, has been found to be long enough not to be enforceable. The concept of the SPD group in the Bundestag, however, allows you to restart and shows how it can go: human, solidarity and order.

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