Since he is 28 years old, belonged to Hubert the body to the municipal Council in moorenweis. After 36 years, now.

Moore Weis – 28 years of Hubert’s body was young, when he was elected for the first Time in the Moore wise Council. Of most of his colleagues decades separated him, really seriously you took him. However, the roofing and roof deck master was not deterred. From the difficult beginnings, a long time local has a political career. With the end of the last session the body has taken after 36 years, his hat.

Three mayors he has experienced

Speaking of the hat: As recently at the multipurpose hall of the new municipal Council was constituted, was the body as a spectator in the black jacket in the gallery, on the head a black bowler hat. An Ex-colleague Ottmar Müller had come. Over the parapet the two hung dark red towels. Why All of this? “We wanted to represent Waldorf and Statler, the two Old, the grumbling of the Muppet Show from the balcony down. That was our last number“, tells the body and wants to pay almost Laughing.

His sense of Humor he has lost in all of the time never. Of course, it was not that he went back as a Junior for a local company in the municipal Council. Other traders shy away from out of fear, with many a tuning customer behavior-etching to enlarge. Body but wanted to contribute in his hometown, and he encouraged the young. “You can cause a lot of Positives.”

Three town hall bosses he has witnessed, he was for a long Second, last third mayor. Under Heinz Sasse, the predecessor of incumbent Joseph Schäffler, changed the style in the municipal Council. Instead of wasting in meetings with party political bickering of energy, decisions were carefully prepared. The weekly mayor’s round at the tavern, to the city hall chief of all the group speakers invited, was a fixed point. “The Sasse had four errors. He was a user-friendly’, he was in the SPD, Protestant, and divorced,“ recalls abdomen with a grin. “He couldn’t even look different than the consensus.” In Moore’s wise advice to less arguments than elsewhere, has remained so until today.

the relationship between the hamlets of the area municipality has developed positively. As the body came into the Council, was the territorial reform only a few years. There was still a village of the assets of the formerly independent municipalities, and each of the village saw to it that his money was also spent for local projects. “Eventually, everything was gone. Since we were all happy.“

He cultivated contacts in every village

together of the community to grow, promote parts, was body everywhere on events seen and used contacts in each village. The citizens rewarded him by making him in the elections, often to the Häufelkönig.

a body of Expertise as a craftsman of the community have benefited from on several occasions. The father of three sons, took over the construction management for the extension of the Moore wise fire house and saved the municipal coffers, the architect’s fee. In the renovation of the town hall, he sat down against the will of the planner for a non-combustible insulation material in the roof. “Otherwise, we would have had to the roof now and again to tear down.”

He has also swallowed some of the toad. For example, the that he was not selected in 2014 for the Second mayor, although the CSU had won the absolute majority of the seats. However, in a spirit of consensus with the other groups, he carried the desire to choose Rudi Keckeis of the citizens ‘ Association to the Deputy.

force he was in the Indian Ashram

+ up close with the pachyderms: body visited a elephant care in India.©Private

64 years, Hubert body now old and two-time grandfather. Now enough with the local politics and other honorary offices and of the work actually. He would like to retire next year from the family business. “But I don’t know what the Corona-crisis us.” If he is needed, he remains, this is not a question. Also if you come a little later – more time for extensive Sailing trips, for trips with the E-Bike and for his Hobby of ornithology, he is happy. What he in the last 26 years, never has, was an annual trip to India. Three, four weeks of rest in a Hindu Ashram – which has given him a source of power. Also, for the local politics.

Other news of the municipality of Moorenweis you can find here.