A conclusion has been reached in collective bargaining negotiations for doctors at more than 20 university hospitals: The agreement provides for a linear salary increase totaling ten percent, the Marburger Bund doctors’ union and the Collective Bargaining Association of German States (TdL) announced on Thursday evening.

According to the information, doctors’ salaries will increase by four percent in a first step on April 1, 2024 and by six percent in a second step on February 1, 2025.

In addition, weekly working hours will be reduced from 42 to 40 hours – without any further reduction in salary. The doctors at the relevant university hospitals are now on an equal footing with their colleagues at other hospitals, where a 40-hour week has long been regulated in the collective agreement.

The degree is not valid for a number of university hospitals

There had been repeated warning strikes in the collective bargaining dispute for doctors at 23 university hospitals nationwide. In negotiations with the TdL, the Marburger Bund had demanded, among other things, 12.5 percent more salaries for 20,000 doctors. The agreement between the collective bargaining parties was reached at the beginning of the week, and the collective bargaining committees on both sides have now also voted for it, the Marburger Bund announced. The agreement does not apply to a number of university hospitals because there are other collective agreements for doctors there – these include Berlin and Hamburg.

According to the statement, the negotiator of the collective bargaining community of German states, Schleswig-Holstein’s Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens), said: “Both parties to the collective agreement have taken responsibility and reached a viable agreement in the fifth round of negotiations.” Further agreed improvements concern the ability to plan work, documentation of working hours and work in the evening hours.

According to the Marburger Bund, the relevant period for night work for surcharges will be redefined from April 1st, according to the union. This now includes the time between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. Previously the period only started at 9 p.m. What is particularly painful, however, is “the states’ persistent refusal to impose higher surcharges for services at unfavorable times.” This is more than just a downer.