TOP NEWS: Hofreiter goes to breakdown on Söder los

06.29 PM: , The Green group Chairman in the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, has attacked the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU) sharply for his policy in the Corona-crisis. With free Tests to the limits of the CSU-chief have promised “too much,” said Hofreiter of the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Monday). With the test tire and the Thousands of informed people over a Corona infection, confidence of the population will be playful, he criticized. Söder, it was about gone “as top of the class in crisis management to portray”. Hofreiter added: “In Söder claim and reality are far apart.”

failures of the Green party leader, also looks at the Federal government. They have coordinated with the countries, there is no “real unified strategy with a view to the Corona-Tests”.

On Wednesday, it was reported that the results of more than 44,000 Tests, which were mostly of the mobile test centres motorway service stations to holiday returnees in Bavaria, taken, were not yet landed at the Affected. Also on Sunday were not yet informed all of the positively Tested. Of 903 with the Coronavirus Infected were 46 not found.

TOP NEWS: researchers call for new early warning system

06.20 PM: in the light of the Corona-crisis, more and more researchers are calling for a global early warning system for viruses from the animal Kingdom. Early detection could prevent in the future similar pandemics, said Stephan Ludwig, Director of the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Münster, in a on Monday published a Podcast of his Uni. Important is the Monitoring of so – called key events, such as Live-or wild-animal markets in Asia. The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is highly jumped probably from an animal to humans.

“If, during Routine investigations at live animal markets, infections increasingly are found, must be immediately the brake kicked in to stop the rapid spread,” said Ludwig. An early warning system could be set up by the world health organization or the United Nations.

Already the middle of July, scientists in the journal “Science”, such an early warning system for viruses from the animal had challenged the Empire. So on animal markets and animal certain kinds of farms on large families of Viruses such as corona virus could be investigated.

Shortly before that, experts of the UN had warned environment programme (UNEP) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) that by exploitation of the animal world and the destruction of Ecosystems, more and more often, animal diseases transmitted to humans could be.

The current Corona pandemic, don’t get easily in the handle, said Ludwig. Nevertheless, he speaks of a kind of test case of a “not so super-aggressive Virus, we try all the measures and test”. There are also other infections, in which each Second die.

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