German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is open for a debate on the deletion of the term “race” from the basic law. The reported government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Friday in Berlin. To be this question in the past few days, “to think have been raised, and the values of the arguments,” he added. A wide-ranging debate in Parliament and society to be desirable, finally it was in front of a possible Amendment of the text some to consider.

race: Green politicians want term stress

For a deletion of the concept of the Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht said. They said the editors ‘ network, Germany (Saturday), the fathers and mothers of the basic law at the time had been “formulated grounds of Discrimination, under which people had to suffer during the Nazi reign”. The concept of the rule of law was at the time properly. “But today, we are in the discussion,” says Lambrecht.

to find The group leaders of the Greens in the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Anton Hofreiter, suggested to her counterpart at the Union, SPD, FDP and the Left, a “broad consensus of democratic political groups”. A concrete proposal for the Change you sent is equal to: Thus, the word “race cancelled” and the term “racist” to be replaced. The letter and the draft law, the German press Agency.

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AfD-man Curio wants to “race” by “ethnic origin” replace the

In the basic law reads: “no one shall because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, his faith, his religious or political opinions-disadvantaged or preferred.” Specifically, the Greens now propose to formulate the sentence this way: “no one shall because of sex, parentage, language, homeland and origin, his faith, his religious or political opinions, or racially disadvantaged or preferred.”

added the sentence should be: “The state shall ensure protection against any group-related violation of the equal Dignity of all people and works towards the elimination of existing disadvantages.” The domestic policy spokesman of the AfD, Gottfried Curio, before throwing the Green, they wanted to impose, “by the term censorship of reality, a left framework for Interpretation”. Instead of the term “racist” in the basic law-article insert, it would be conceivable to replace “race” by “ethnic origin”. dpa/Sebastian Willnow, Gottfried Curio, Bundestag MP of the AfD, is a continuing guest speaker at the national Congress of the AfD in Saxony -.

Lessons from the NS-time “has not arrived yet in all heads”

“The term “race” is neither the present-day use of language, and yet it is scientifically accurate,” said the Federal immigration and integration Council. The Chairman, Memet Kilic said that Germany had learned from the crimes of the Nazi period, and this must also be reflected in the language – “because of the rising racism and the increasing right-wing extremism that the Teachings are not yet arrived in all the heads of the company.”

the deletion of The term from the basic law would, according to the Deputy Chairman of the expert Council for Integration and Migration, Daniel Thym, especially symbolic meaning. Finally, the word was to be found in other documents, could not change the Bundestag and the Bundesrat – such as the European Convention on human rights. In addition, the concept of games in the practice of the German courts is not a big role, said the lawyer. “Such symbols can, however, be important to clarify that there are no races, and you are not allowed to discriminate against people because of their appearance.”

Anti-racism training for employees of the German security authorities

Amnesty International considers mandatory “anti-racism training” for all employees of the German security agencies and the judiciary, for appropriate and necessary. “The first pilot projects in the judiciary and the Federal police were an important beginning, now the training need to be established nationwide,” demanded the human rights organization on Friday. “It is not a matter, to provide police officers under suspicion or blame – it’s about the professionalisation of police work, to transparency and to the acceptance of responsibility,” said the Secretary-General of Amnesty International in Germany, Markus Beeko.

Federal Ministry of the interior and the Federal Ministry of justice jointly plan a study of the so-called racial profiling in the police Department. Of racial profiling is when people are controlled because of their skin color, hair color or other external characteristics, but without a concrete occasion. The reason for the proposed study, a report to the European Commission for racism and intolerance from the past March, was a spokesman for the interior Ministry said. The study should include not only the Federal police, but also the police authorities of the countries. After sexist comment: the SPD politician AfD-man in the Landtag buttons before FOCUS Online/Wochit After sexist comment: the SPD politician buttoned AfD-man in the Parliament before.
