FOCUS Online : Mr. Fiedler, in the TV Show Markus Lanz you say that the Federal government speech of the interior Minister Horst Seehofer “stupid stuff” when he stated that the crime statistics prove that Germany was a safe country. What exactly do you mean by that?

Sebastian Fiedler : I didn’t say so. On The Contrary. So he would be right even in comparison to many other countries. In comparison to the USA or even Mexico, the security level is high. Stupid stuff it is, however, if he or his international colleagues, suggesting to the Public that this might be from the Police crime statistics (PKS) are derived. This is only for a few crime fields. The numbers of the break-ins, for example, are usually authentic, because they will be displayed in us. In more detail and to differentiate you have to interpret at the violent crime. But that is, unfortunately, only the smaller part of total crime. The Gros is in the area of economic-, environmental – or the Organized crime and corruption.

what we complain about, is that the dark numbers that are in these areas, sometimes over 90 percent, to play in the political assessment of the security situation just as good as no role. It seems as if it were not for the large-scale Organised crime in the statistics because of the small Numbers that are there, lead to the false conclusion that the Problem was small. Exactly the opposite is the case.

crime syndicates take advantage of German vulnerabilities mercilessly from

FOCUS Online suggested in the case of Lanz that your “resting heart rate” was in the past through the ceiling, if Seehofer introduces the police crime statistics once a year. So there is a great and real danger, which is not reflected in the political assessment of the security situation?

Fiedler: Exactly. The is really a gigantic Problem, alone what is money laundering and Organised crime. Roberto Scarpinato, attorney General in the Anti-Mafia Pool in Palermo, has said of about once, that he would wash his money in Germany if he was Mafioso. In Germany this Problem is reflected not appropriate in the political debate. There are a lot of speeches, hardly any serious concepts that might disturb the Mafia. I have been dealing for the past ten years intensively with the topic and can assure you that you can count the politicians in the Federal government, States and in the European Parliament, on one Hand, the credible is a better anti-money laundering efforts. The white Organized crime – and is always stronger in this field, in Germany, significant progress had been made. The Central Anti-money laundering unit at the customs works for three years, for parts of the supervision on key sectors of the economy, the same applies, and the cash is just as Holy as permitted lawn on the highway.

“sense of security, investigate, and trend analysis to make”

FOCUS Online : you said that Germany’s need for “periodic safety report” to this “dark fields” to lighten. What’s behind it, and why not already?

Fiedler: The good news: these security reports are already in the coalition agreement. And I know that the Federal criminal police office takes care of in the meantime, intensive efforts such reports hang up. Such plants would have to be dark to investigate fields, the Situation of Victims describing the crime prevention light, the feeling of safety examine, and forward-looking trend analyses to be performed. That would give the debates a serious Foundation, that there was in the past.

FOCUS Online : you said the corona crisis impact significantly on the crime statistics, because they will distort heavily. What do you mean?

Fiedler: you Take the break-ins. Will go back in the statistics for 2020, of course, extremely because burglaries are much more risky, because people are increasingly working in a Home Office. And also the number of bar fights is dramatically to go back, because the pubs months were long closed. At the same time, there are new developments in illicit markets, such as, for example, when drug. The stats for 2020 is because of this fierce special effects with any other year makes sense to compare.

“cocaine from the Netherlands falls to our Rangers at the feet of”

FOCUS Online : And how is it Organized crime?

Fiedler : The not sleeping. I want to especially warn that we are faced with a unprecedented drug problem. In the Netherlands, we see the true breeding of the organized drug crime sites. From there, the distribution channels of course go to Germany. The cocaine we just currently on the German-Dutch border, literally in front of the feet. This concerns, among other things, but this is a dangerous Sauzeug Crystal Meth, the Consumer is truly based on. As if that wasn’t enough already, is Heroin to the “Grey Death processes” – nomen est omen – and should come as a desing drug therefore. It is so potent that the quantity of a few grains of sand can be deadly. The views to Asia and the United States must also shake in this country are all finally awake. We need a radical new drug policy, where we keep track of Organized crime tough, the consumers, but the same time as the criminal – but the law on offences to tackle. Portugal makes successful.

Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters FOCUS Online/Wochit Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters