water in Germany, there are more than enough – at least that’s what the statistics. According to the Federal environmental Agency, the average annual amount of precipitation in Germany has increased since the beginning of the records (1881) by around 10 percent. And yet a number of acts noteworthy: Of the 188 billion cubic meters of water annually from rivers and rain to the Land, will only be used by nearly 13 percent.

precipitation shifts into the winter months

but, As fits the actual water individual country abound with the emergency messages of the circles and the drought of the agriculture of legal claims? The reason lies in the shift in the annual distribution of precipitation.

During the Winter are becoming wetter, more and more heat days in the summer to evaporate the water. In the last 70 years, the number of heat days (over 30 degrees) has increased, according to the Federal environment Agency in the Mediterranean from three to 20. The consequences: Because the evaporating water collects in the atmosphere and leads to strong downpours, the large rain mass can be absorbed by the Vegetation is limited. But the majority will be directed into the rivers.

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In the Wake of the ground-water level, what is felt in agriculture, and even citizens in Germany is falling. The lower Saxon village of Lauenau, last Saturday, went out for a short time the drinking water.

“The rain no longer falls stupidly, when and how we need him”

“The rain no longer falls stupidly, when and how we need him”, says Matthias Schöniger in an interview with FOCUS Online, the Dilemma. Therefore, the Hydrologist conducts research at the University of Braunschweig to new methods for intelligent water management. The goal is to distribute the actually existing water on the entire year and especially on the need for intensive summer months. dpa/Sebastian Gollnow/dpa Due to the low rainfall in July, the soil is dry.

“it is Particularly important to leave the water for as long as possible in the landscape to linger,” explains Schöniger. What is the expert appeals to save the massive decline of natural water in Germany. Particularly by draining and development of marshes and water meadows in the past, a large area of natural fresh water storage would have been lost. According to the nature conservation Federal Germany, 95 per cent of the original German bogs are drained in the meantime. “It ultimately needs a return,” demands Schöniger.

water management on the coast is an important factor

dealing with masses of water has on the German coasts has always been an important significance, because many regions such as the Weser marsh is below sea level. Levees and pumping system to ensure that the Land is not flooded by the adjacent North sea, and cases of rain the area has not fully run.

The mechanical dewatering of the area over countless small channels makes a settlement, therefore, possible in the first place. And so every Winter, drained large parts of the freshwater “from the kilometre-long rift system in the North sea, in order to create space for new rains”, says Mathias Paech from the pasture centre lower Saxony/Bremen in an interview with FOCUS Online. Freshwater, after agriculture thirsts in the hot and dry summer months.

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What’s missing storage possibilities in the development of Paech and his Team are currently working on. Could help so-called polders – artificially created basin, where the water for later agricultural use is stored. Also, Hydrologist Schöniger looks in the polders is an important tool for a more efficient water management: “It makes no sense that in the marsh areas of Saxony, millions of liters of fresh water will be pumped in the North sea and 75 kilometres further East, the fields in the Geest land with groundwater supplies.”

at the same time, agriculture was the duty of irrigation to more efficient methods. An example could take the German farmers in countries such as Israel, where irrigation would be much more economical than here.

Decentralised water supply as a Precaution against stress tips

in addition to the more efficient use of water in the Form of storage of the hydrologist, however, points to another important aspect: the emergence of a decentralized supply system.

To many regions in Germany would draw their water exclusively from a source of supply, which lead increasingly to the risk that future peak loads could in part be bridged sufficiently. Otherwise, the city of Brunswick makes it.

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Here, large parts of the drinking water coming out of the South resin. At the same time old drinking water were taken from plants back into operation, any load peaks. From the point of view Schönigers “is a Prime example of a decentralised supply system”.

The occurring drought events, therefore, not to a fundamental lack of water back. “What we have in Germany, is a water management drought,” says the Hydrologist. And unlike a real water shortage significantly easier to fix.

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