which is not to say that the cheerful-confident “welcome culture” to be replaced would have been due to a selfish-nasty fortress policy for people in Need.

It means only that we have not managed to do so, as the Chancellor intended may have been, the “Create” level. And that the have learned the most people. Understood, you have three in the past five years, at least: Who let all the Refugees, the price is the control of the state at a delicate point. About the author: Ulrich Reitz

Ulrich Reitz worked as a correspondent in the world, was in the starting team of FOCUS, which he led, and was a total of 17 years as editor-in-chief of the two largest German regional newspaper “WAZ” and “Rheinische Post”. He deals with the societal consequences of digitalization, the cultural foundations of Germany and the Performance of its elites in politics and the economy. Reitz sees itself as economically ordoliberal and politically conservative. He appreciates the well-maintained controversy.

Dominik Butzmann Ulrich Reitz

Fly-in instead of pure

let then the of must least Germany, leave again, makes the matter even worse. And that it will be felt forever promised a “European solution”, and just to relax. 59 percent want the illegal entry of asylum seekers to finish.

do you wish that more than ever in need of protection are directly flown in from crisis regions. The calculated Infratest Dimap on behalf of the “world”. And that is not enough: a Particularly positive effect this proposal would have, the survey, followers of the SPD. The may not understand those Kühnert’s last name and first name Kevin hot.

Others are less interested in the social-democratic functionaries as for the social democratic sympathizers, understand the rather. Gerhard Schröder, for example, the last Chancellor, with the SPD is the choice of the people was able to convince. Schroeder says it in simple words: “The SPD is the party, the internal security for those guarantees, you cannot buy. For this it needs a strong state. This means that you should be with a blanket criticism of the police is very careful.“

  • read also: Live-Ticker for the pandemic

The anxious question after Merkel

The slap in the face for Merkel, too, is a for Saskia esque, had the police a “latent racism” below. In the Ruhr area ticking “pensioners, so many do not know, at least social-democratic”, that is in search of villains in the city as food-ancient village or Duisburg-Marxloh in biodeutschen Latte-Macchiato – Milieu rather find – “racial profiling” or not.

And the question of why the SPD is not more than 20 percentage points – has put at all- is it, perhaps, but also to the multi-cultural migration policy? Angela Merkel is in all surveys, the most popular German politician. This is due to Corona. In the pandemic crisis, the Chancellor, seriousness, calmness, and communicates reliability. That’s why she is popular, respected, respected. In the Union you can hear up into the highest circles currently, the anxious question, how long this will probably remain so. Kay Nietfeld/Reuters Pool/Reuters

for example, when in the autumn of visibility is how much the German economy is in the knee. Or if this other, well-repressed theme, but again, high-boiling, question the Asylum. Because it is, solely because of the German presidency of the European Union. A European asylum solution fades into the distance. The return to the old “Dublin”System, which remains the current law, is for political reasons, as almost excluded.

Of a Change in the European asylum law Seehofer

he can’t even speak Then the refugees would have to stay there, where you will arrive first in Greece or Italy, so. A Europe-wide distribution solution is due to the different national interests of the countries in the community is also unlikely. To make the European border more or less dense, and and the right to asylum directly from one of the approximately 70 bearings are in the crisis regions of the air.

but an Amendment to the European asylum would be to the right, and the German does not speak once the Minister of the interior. Agreed, most of the Participants are seen to be only in the assessment of the European Commission, under the leadership of the German Ursula von der Leyen, a rigorous solution. Thus the issue returns to the Agenda in the autumn, shortly before the CDU Federal party Congress that will elect a new party Chairman.

And not long after this Congress, will make in moving images clearly once again that the Era Merkel is just before the end, the CDU and the CSU will jointly determine their candidate for Chancellor. In view of the likely depressing economic Figures and a failed asylum solution at European level – how will position themselves as the candidate? And how the SPD will react to such a scenario?

pandemic Merkel experienced a political Renaissance

at the beginning of the Corona-crisis was one of the most said phrases: This pandemic will change everything, and politically. The sentence was the right one. Angela Merkel has experienced as a crisis, Chancellor of a Renaissance, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, a comet of the same climb. The crash not SPD-Chairman elected Olaf Scholz reaches values of all social Democrats now stable, the best Consent.

What may also be due to the fact that he his candidacy for Chancellor with billions of dollars in programs quasi “bought”. But Corona taught also, how quickly can turn moods or rotate it, if the political weather changes. In the autumn storm. Manuel Neuer sings in Croatia-holiday song from extreme right-wing scandal-Band PCP Manuel Neuer sings in Croatia-holiday song from extreme right-wing scandal-Band