After a fleeting passage to the ministry of Justice, François Bayrou is expected to again be entrusted with national responsibilities. According to France Inter, the mayor of Pau should be appointed, in the course of the month of September, to the post of ” high commissioner “.

The radio said that the president of the MoDem wants to be directly attached to the head of the State. In normal times, the high commissioners are dependent on a minister, as was the case of Jean-Paul Delevoye, who was entrusted with the difficult issue of pensions and was attached to the ministry of Solidarity. The request of François Bayrou would in the ” free of government constraints, and immediacy. The prospective changing of the presidential function, ” says his entourage. As a result, the high commissioner would not attend councils of ministers, and its offices would not be located in the premises of the department.

Read also How François Bayrou has won the bet of 2017

A position ” to give pleasure to François Bayrou ! “

The interested party has not wanted to comment on, to the public media, the idea of his upcoming appointment. On the side of the executive, it does not confirm further. “In internal meetings, we didn’t have more info,” even underlines the fact that a minister from the radio. Behind the scenes, however, the stunning scenery of the ministers are already commenting on the arrival of the former keeper of the Seals. The side of Bruno Le Maire, to the Economy, it is estimated that ” the stimulus and the forward-looking, these are two complementary tasks. There was need of reflection on the long time. And François Bayrou, who has good relations with Bruno Le Maire, will have the intelligence to integrate in collective thinking “.

another member of the executive, to him, the judge that the post is created ” first, to give pleasure to François Bayrou ! “The entourage of the latter, however, specifies the topics that will be assigned to the future high commissioner :” population displacement, insertion, food security, the risks of epidemic… ”

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