According to the FCM-team he will play for Svend Graversen was the decision not too hard to take.

“We are very happy for the work, Brian has delivered. First as a player. Later, as the assistant coach. And the last three months as the temporary head coach,” says Svend Graversen and reveal in the same breath, that in the course of the fall have had conversations with other coaches:

“In the period, from Kenneth Andersen in august chose to resign from the job as head coach, we have used the time to reflect on the situation. Here we have asked ourselves, who survived and must stand in the forefront of our best teams. The conversations have been fruitful, but they have confirmed us that He is the right choice.”

How many Of you have had to interview?
“I do not wish to disclose. But it is more than two.”

Why the choice fell on Brian Priske?
“He has been skilled to handle spillertruppen and his training team. In addition, we have seen that he has been able to further develop our expression and style. In addition, the results at the nearest has been even better. We have given us plenty of time to make the decision, but it has been worth it.”

Why chose not to hire Brian Priske as the head coach since Jess Thorup took against Genks trænertilbud?
“We were at the apartment absolutely Asyabahis sure that Kenneth Andersen was the right person to do the job. We were pleased with his work, and he thanked for the trust by, among other things, will lead us to a pokaltitel. On the one hand, are we infuriating that he decided to stop as a head coach. But on the other hand we are happy that he remains at the club as a second job. When it is said, we are quite sure that Brian Priske is the right coach for us now. So on the question of whether we are unfortunate that he is not got the opportunity a year ago, the answer is no.”

FCMs objectives and strategy will be adjusted after fastansættelsen of Brian Priske?
“Here and now, we have no information on these areas. It, we are aware of, is that all the time to put new brick on the very sound foundation that we have created. The work He put into the world to continue. Going forward, it is our clear plan that we season after season to play for championships, trophies and participation in the european club competitions. In short: It is in our dna, that we are a club that constantly want to be in development. A more precise objective are we going to come out at a later time.”