Facebook has invested according to its own information of solid in it, fake user accounts to track – now, the group has success: Since the beginning of the year to 5.4 billion Accounts were closed, but some are still in circulation.

In the fight against misinformation and Manipulation has been blocked by the US Internet group Facebook since the beginning of the year, according to its own figures, around 5.4 billion Fake Accounts. Facebook could now better recognize, Kaçak Bahis when fake and abusive user accounts are created, the company said in its transparency report. Thanks to improved Testing mechanisms, each day would set up “a million Tries”, Fake Accounts, prevented.

Facebook assumes that in the canlı bahis siteleri second and third quarter of approximately five percent of the world’s users of accounts were fake. In the case of Fake Accounts of someone pretending to be a Person that doesn’t exist. These accounts are often disseminated information, the consequences of a particular political or social Agenda. The social network has invested heavily in such user accounts to track and block.