The complications for the completion of the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, and to knit your Government have disrupted the calendar of the Brexit. Margarita Robles, minister in duties of Defense, and in charge from December of the tasks of Foreign affairs, has decided to suspend the meeting in which Spain and the United Kingdom should start to negotiate for the departure from Gibraltar of the EU, intended as the rest of the Brexit for the 31 of January. So explain to THE COUNTRY sources of Foreign. The meetings were planned for the next Monday and Tuesday. But just on Tuesday, has called the president the first Council of Ministers in the new Government.

Although the meeting has a technical profile, the political importance of this matter has led to postpone the meeting until they assume their position the tenured Foreign service. The negotiation to clarify any misunderstanding that may arise with regard to how to abandon the british colony of the EU —and how does that affect relations with Spain— is a sensitive issue. The sources consulted emphasize that this is only a readjustment of dates for the meeting, scheduled as the first of a round, it does not coincide with the formation of the new Executive.

The organizers investigate dates of the following week, which starts on the 20th of January, very near the time of Brexit. In any case, Foreign conceived the event as a forum to resolve details. The bulk of the output is already agreed in the four memoranda of understanding that was signed by the Spanish Governments and british in November of 2018 to resolve the main contentious issues between Spain and the Rock: the price of tobacco, the rights of the workers, the police and customs cooperation, and environmental issues.

Another key stage in the Brexit, the outline of red lines that each country should move to Brussels for the negotiation of the future relationship with the United Kingdom, is also waiting for the final date in the case of Spain. Sanchez will move their priorities to the eu negotiator for the Brexit, Michel Barnier, who will visit you in La Moncloa to discuss them. This quote is also trying to try to set for the week subsequent to the constitution of the Executive.